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Vál was still in the tub and Björn had walked over to one of the chairs by the fireplace

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Vál was still in the tub and Björn had walked over to one of the chairs by the fireplace. Her heart ached for the man she knew was strong how he now was looking broken. His exterior had been crumbling down to reveal the sensitive core that the walls were built to protect. She felt for him, knowing more than well the feeling of loosing a parent, loosing someone who's always been there to protect one, build one up and provide all the things one need to develop into a good human. Björn's eyes was glued on the wooden floor and she swallowed.

"What are you thinking?" Vál asked in a soft and gentle tone. Björn let out a heavy breath before he looked up at her, their eyes meeting.

"About everything." He began. "I've lost everything." He continued and she frowned but pouted as well when she saw his broken expression and felt the defeated tone in his voice. Vál reached for a blanket before getting out from the tub. She walked over to Björn and took a seat next to him before taking one of his larger hands in hers. Björn looked up at her, meeting her icy eyes that gotten a warm tone from the burning flames.

"You haven't lost everything Björn even if it feels like it. You got a mother who loves you till no end and she would moved oceans for you. You got four brothers who look up to you like you're the gods themselves no matter what happens. You got a roof over your head, you live in a village with people who respect you." She begun and looked him deep in the eyes before placing her hand on his cheek. "You got me, I know that when I left I ruined a lot of things which I regret more than anything but I would cross all the worlds oceans if you ever got injured or needed help." She confessed. A small tear left his eye and she pulled him into her embrace. Björn rested his head int he crook of her neck as she rubbed small circles on his neck when she kept him close. Both Björn's arms were tightly wrapped around her body, like if he let go she would slip into thin air again.

Neither one of them knew how long they sat in each others embrace however neither one of them minded it. Vál had relaxed for the first time in a long time when she was in Björn's embrace. Björn had closed his eyes as he enjoyed the warmth radiating from her body, feeling her gentle touches and her smell.

"We'll kill them Björn." Vál said as they pulled away. "We'll kill the ones who killed your father. No mercy what so ever, we'll give them Hel for what they did. If you want me to come with you of course." She said and he looked at her.

"I need you there." Björn said as he looked her in the eyes.

"Then I will be there. It would be a privilege to join you." Vál said. "Remember what I told you that day we were swimming? There's a lot of wars to win by your side Björn." She added and he smiled. Then silence engulfed them as they continued to look each other in the eyes. The tender affection Vál had been showing Björn had sent a wave of emotions to drown him, he remembered why he had fallen for her almost eleven years ago. He moved slightly closer to her face, their faces only inches apart which made them feel each others breath fan their faces after mixing. Both hearts were beating quickly and heavily in their chests, breathes rugged and eyes big.

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