Chris Hemsworth

51 1 4

Request for ---- @hepburnmercuryfan

It was your 19th birthday. You were sitting by the water, on the secret beach that you and your best friend, Chris, had found. You were wearing a black bikini top and denim shorts. You sat on a rock and kicked your legs, gently in the water. A tear rolled down your cheek. Chris had forgotten about your birthday. 'How could he. We have been friends since birth. He had never forgotten before.' You thought to yourself. 

Suddenly, you were splashed with water. You screamed and looked up, to see Chris standing infront of me. (The water came up to his hips and he was topless in swinsuit.) "Happy birthday Hepburn!" Chris said, grinning. You smiled and shook your head. "You remebered?!" I asked. "Course i did!" He exclaimed and splashed me again. "Stop!" You squealed. "No." He replied, splashing you. 

"Oh, you're gonna regret that!" You warned. "Am i?" He questioned. "Yes you are!" You told him, before diving into the water. You came up, pushing the wet hair off your face. You looked around and saw no Chris. Your eyebrows knitted together. You felt hands on your thighs. You screamed as chris threw you into the air. You splashed back into the ocean. You stood up, coughing. "Are you okay, Hepburn?" Chris asked, wading towards you. "No!" You coughed. Chris flung you over his shoulder. He patted your back.

You screamed and slapped his back. He bent his knees and dunked you two under. You wiggled out of his grip. You ran out of the water. Chris ran after you. You ducked into a small cave. You ventured into the cave. It just kept going. "HEPBURN?" Chris called. His voice echoed. You ignored it as you came to a clearing thing. There was a pool of water, and holes in the roof. Sunlight shone down, leaving the water bright and sparkily. You gasped.

"Chris! Look!" You shouted. You felt a presence behind you. "Wow." He breathed out. He jumped in. You squealed. He reached out his hand and you took it. He yanked your arm, and you flipped into the water. You screamed. Yoy stood up and came face to face with Chris. Well face to chest. You looked up at him. All you wanted to do was go on your tip toes and kiss him. Little did you know, thats all he wanted to do too. You reached up, put your hands on his shoulders and pushed Chris down. 

You spent the next hour messing around and having splash fights. The two of you ended up laying on the sand, just outside the cave, sunbathing. "Guess what got delivered to me today." Chris said. "What?" I asked. "A letter from my agent. He got me a job in hollywood." He told me. "What? Oh my god thats amazing!" You exclaimed, trying to hide your dissapointment. You were ecstatic for him, but you didnt want him to leave. "Yeah." He nodded. "When are you leaving?" You asked. "Thursday." He told me. It was sunday today.

"4 days?" You questioned. "Yes. I am so sorry." He apologised, sitting up and taking your hand. You sat up. Chris took the chain off from around his neck and unthreaded a ring. He slipped it onto your index finger. He winked. You blushed and hugged him. He hugged you back. 


You sat in the car, next to Chris. You were sitting in the airport carpark. You closed your eyes and sighed. "I'm gonna miss you so much, Hepburn." Chris said, holding your hand. "I'm gonna miss you too, Hemsworth." You replied. "Good luck with the audidtion." You looked at him. "Thank you." He kissed your hand. He got out of the car and walked round to your side. You opened the window. "Imma call you everyday." You said, sadly smiling. "And im going to answer everyday." He said back. You got out of the car and hugged him, tightly. 

"Good bye, Hepburn." Chris whispered, pulling away. "Good bye, Hemsworth." You whispered back. Chris walked into the airport. "I love you." He said, quitely so you couldnt hear. "I love you." You whispered, before walked back to the car and drove home. 

You called each other everyday for hours. He got the role in the movie and you were so proud of him. Chris had become very busy with filming and you slowly stopped contacting each other. 6 months after Chris left you got a call from a very famous photography company. Your new job sent you all over the world. It had been 2 very long years since Chris left for America.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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