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Y/N's POV:

We all talked for a bit and then, they both came out of the shed. Keisha shouted at Tae "just don't make this any harder". Tae looked really upset. He ran to me and flung his arms around me. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked concerned. "Me and Keisha keep falling out and she said next time we fall out we will break up and I fell out with her in the shed just" he said. I hugged him tightly. "It's okay I've got you don't worry" I said supportively. Honestly what's with girls these days ugh....Jungkook and Suga both took Tae inside to talk, leaving me and Jodie to talk. We talked about all sorts of things some interesting and some pointless and meaningless. But either way I enjoyed talking to her. She always made me laugh, she was like my long lost sister. My phone buzzed in my pocket I pulled it out and I had one notification, it was my mum. Ugh, she said I'd never become a K-pop star and she said I'm not even talented. What excuse did she have this time...

Mum : I was drunk I can't control myself when I'm drunk and i heard your song and I'm so proud of you! 

I sighed thinking about whether I want to forgive her. Fuck it I'm gonna forgive her and give her one more chance...I texted her quickly and invited her over to Korea. She said she booked the tickets already so she was coming tomorrow. I didn't know if I wanted her to meet Suga, she'd say something about the guy liked me back in England. God I hoped he didn't come with her. I didn't like him but my mum always thought we'd look cute together.i didn't even know if I wanted Suga to know about her coming even though she  was staying over for a week. And I couldn't stay away from Suga for that long... She text me again saying could she invite Jake. He was the guy from back home. I really didn't want her too but she said she'd already told him and he was so excited. Ugh god I have no choice and I replied saying Yes.

I regretted that after a few minutes. I carried on talking with Jodie until they all walked out of the door. Suga snaked his arms around my waist which sacred me at first... I didn't want my mum to meet Suga or Suga to meet my mum. My mum was not the most friendliest person ever so I didn't want her hurting Suga mentally. She would never do it physically I think... I could stand Keeping a secret from him. I had to say something. "Suga my mum is visiting tomorrow" I said shyly. "You act like that's a bad thing" Suga said looking at Jungkook too see if he knew why. I told Jungkook but I don't think I mentioned it to Suga. Must've just slipped my mind..."oh god what's wrong with her?" Suga said. "Eh well she isn't nice to anyone to be honest and she's bringing a boy from home to Korea" I said waiting for Suga to react. "Well did you and the guy you know...date?" Suga asked. "No but he always liked me but he wasn't my type" I answered. "Ah well don't worry and do you want me to meet her?" Suga asked.

I really didn't want him too. But I felt like it was best for him to meet her. "Eh-go on then" I said nervously. "Don't be nervous, Jagiya it will be alright" Suga said reassuring me.  I hoped it would be but I knew it wouldn't be...even after I told Jake I wasn't interested he wouldn't take no for an answer. My mum kept urging me to date him but I was never going too. "Will I meet the guy aswell?" Suga asked smiling. "I think so yeah" I replied smiling back. "Good I can be extra EXTRA cheesey to you" Suga exclaimed excitedly. Everyone laughed hysterically. Tae had cheered up now which made me really happy. Jodie and Jungkook were being extra cute to eachother, I smiled at them. I wondered if that was what me and Suga looked like when we were being cute to eachother.  "And yes Y/N that is what you and Suga look like" Tae exclaimed knowing what I was thinking. I giggled at him. Jungkook and Jodie went inside and left me with Suga and Tae.

Poor Tae's she broke his hearteu. I'm sure she didn't mean it and she'd come around eventually that's what I hoped anyway... We stayed at the party for a few hours then we decided to go home. Suga decided to force me to stay at his because it was dark and he wanted to keep me safe. I eventually gave in and went home with them. "I cleaned those bedsheets so don't do anything" Jungkook exclaimed. We laughed at him. We teased him for a bit but we stopped when we got to the dorm. Me and Suga both went upstairs and it was about 11:00 at night so we decided to sleep. "Goodnight" I said to Suga"Goodnight Jagiya" he said kissing me softly. I kissed him back and he pulled away and I closed my eyes and soon went to sleep...


I woke up and Suga wasn't in bed. I got up and checked the time on my phone, it was 11:00 in the morning. CRAP! I was supposed to meet my mum at 10:00 at Chiyas house. I shot up and got ready as fast as I could and checked my phone. I had a message from Chiya she said my mum was waiting. I went down to the boys and said good morning and rushed out the door with Suga. We walked to Chiyas house slowly. I was really nervous...Jake was such a jerk! When we reached the door I unlocked the door and went in and saw my mum sitting on the couch. "I'm sorry mum, I slept in" I said not feeling sorry at all. I didn't see Jake anywhere but I heard his voice from the kitchen. "I thought you lived here?" My mum said confused. "Yeah I do" I said not realising what she was saying. "So why were you sleeping somewhere else?" She said weirdly. "Oh right uh well you'll see" I said. I grabbed Suga's hand no one could see him yet so I walked to the couch and I sat him down next to me. 

"Who's this Y/N?" My mum asked. "This is my boyfriend Suga and I was with him that's why I wasn't here" I said to her. "So you guys sleep in the same bed?" My mum questioned. I nodded slowly. Jake came in and sat down next to me and tried to put his arm around me, I quickly moved closer to Suga so he wouldn't. "Jake this is my boyfriend Suga" I said to him. "I thought I was your boyfriend?" He asked. "Ugh you never were, give over now" I said getting mad. He nodded quickly. "Well uh hi Suga" Jake said. Suga gave him a weak wave back and he talked to my mum for a bit. I could tell Suga was trying his best. I could already tell my mum hated his guts. Why did she have to be so difficult!..I cursed under my breath. Suga started being extra cheesey like he said he would. I enjoyed him being so cheesey all the time it was so adorable. It was annoying my mum and Jake so he did it even more. "I'm going to be sick  please stop" my mum said agitated. "Sorry I can't I love her too much" Suga replied. "I love you too" I said pinching his cheeks.

He kissed me softly and slowly. I kissed him back. "Could you guys like stop making out?" My mum said calming down. I pulled away and giggled. A few hours later Suga decided to go home because he didn't want to be any trouble. "I don't like him" my mum said. "You don't like anyone" I said to her agitated. I decided to go for a walk in the park on my own to blow off some steam. I took a brisk walk around the park when I felt myself wanting to cry. It was dark so no one could see because no one was there. I stood by a tree and slowly cried and thought to myself. Why was she so horrible to everyone I liked? I wish she wasn't my mum...I wish I had the mum I had when I was born the jolly happy mum not the horrible part-time mum. I really missed my real mum even if she left me I'm sure she had a good reason. "Are you alright?" I heard a voice say. "N-no I was just recalling the moment my mum left me when we went Christmas shopping and she never came back" I said sobbing. "I left my daughter when I went Christmas shopping once her name was Y/N" the woman said. "M-mum?" I asked confused. She pulled out a torch and shined it so she could see my face. "Y/N!" She screamed giving me a tight hug. I hugged her back....

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