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Third Person's P.O.V :-

"Your plan failed!!!!!"


"Yeah!! People laughed at me!"

"Ok, OK!! Stop sulking! Wait! I know! How about you show off your judo skills? He'd surely be impressed!"


"And I'll ask some of my friends to be the bad guys while you will go and save him! Yes!! Perfect plan!"

"Wa...wait, Lisa, don't you think that's a bit dramatic-"

"DO AS I SAY!!!"

"Hey, pretty boy~ going somewhere?"

Taehyung was walking to an empty table in cafeteria when someone catcalled at him

Taehyung just ignored it and kept on walking towards the table. He didn't feel like flirting back, that day was utter shit anyway...

"Why are you ignoring us, sexy?" One of the guy from the table suddenly grabbed Taehyung's wrist and yanked him towards him while others came to stand behind him, grinning creepily

"Let go of me, you dork!" Taehyung yelled out as his left eye started to twitch violently

'Why is this day so crappy?!' He mentally screamed

"Dork? Ouch, sweetheart, that hurt" The boy holding him, laughed

"Look, I-" Taehyung suddenly shut up as he saw Jungkook normally walking past him...

As if he wasn't being harassed just beside him....

Taehyung and the entire cafeteria watched curiously as Jungkook walked over to the empty table that Taehyung was going towards and sat down on it, peacefully eating his lunch...

"Why are you looking back at him, babe? It's not like he's gonna save you" The guy said smugly

Taehyung was just about to shower that boy with sarcasm when he heard it...

"That's right, I don't go around helping out weaklings" As soon as those words escaped Jungkook's mouth Taehyung's mood got ten times more bitchy...

'Did he just called me a weakling?! How dare him?! What does he think he is?!'

"Let go of his hand right now!!"

Every head snapped towards the entrance of the cafeteria where a very angry Jimin stood

He started walking towards the spot where the guy stood with Taehyung and stopped there

"Oh, mighty Park Jimin is here" Taehyung heard Jungkook say from behind him

"Got ahead and save the weakling, Jimin, he can't defend himself anyway"

That. Was. It.

"What did you just say......?" Taehyung growled out as he suddenly broke the grip that the guy had over his wrist in one swift yank

"MOVE OUT, MIDGET!" Taehyung shoved Jimin away and started to roll his sleeves up

"AND HOLD THIS!" Suddenly a backpack was thrown at Jimin....


And the entire student body watched in amazement as the guy, who was holding Taehyung's wrist a few moments ago, was punched right into his face and collapsed on the ground like a sack of potatoes

Taehyung's eyes snapped towards that guy's companions who were stunned to the core

"A-attack him!" The one who seemed like a leader among them shakily commanded as two boys started to run towards Taehyung with their fists up high in the air

Smack! Bam!


"MY BALLS!!!!"

Taehyung had hard pocked the eyes of one guy with his two fingers and kicked the other one between the legs...

He looked back at the 'leader' and rose one brow,"Got anybody else to send or is it your time to be sent to the hospital?" He started to crack his knuckles like a badass

"We-we'll remember this day! You will not get away next time!" And with that the leader and a few others with him ran out of the cafeteria.....

Taehyung snapped his head back towards Jungkook, glaring dead in his eyes

"I'm not a weakling....." He angrily gritted out as Jungkook smirked and whistled, quite impressed by the change of events...

Rolling his sleeves back down, Taehyung turned to Jimin, who looking at him like he was from another dimension

"Thank you for holding my backpack" With that Taehyung also left the cafeteria

Beep! Beep!

Jimin looked at his phone to see he received a text from Lisa


Hey, Chim, looks like we
have to cancel the plan...
I talked to the guys, they
said they would not do
it (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)
13: 27

Jimin's eyes widened as he read the text.....

'Wait.......so they were the real bad guys?!'

Revenge || Vkook Vmin [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now