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Third Person's P.O.V :-

Namjoon was over the moon with how things were proceeding.

Everything was planned out and he really hoped that all went accordingly to the layout he had envisioned.

The Jeon was knocked out dead cold, Jin was coming over this afternoon with Jung Hoseok and his sister to discuss some plans in details, he had set up the route for the Park to escape and run back to his family, Jeon Jungoh was returning back in a few days, enough time for them to start kicking the first gear.

Except the fact that the Park didn't escape.

Out of all the days, today was probably the worst day for the market to be closed off and for Taehyung to return home early.

Early enough for Park Jimin to spot him in the middle of his escaping and cancel the plan whole totally.

Namjoon couldn't explain the rage that he felt when he came back home and found the Park snuggling with Taehyung on the bed.

The audacity of that scum.

"Hyung! Hyung, please don't hit him!" Taehyung cried out as he thumped against the bedroom door with all his might.

When Namjoon had found both of them in Taehyung's room, his first instinct was to yank Jimin's already beaten up and bruised body out of the bed and throwing him out in the hallway.

Taehyung was stunned and alarmed at the event that just took place but before he could even manage to do anything, the door was shut closed in front of his face and locked from the outside.

He had run to the door, screaming frantically for Namjoon not to hit him.

But the more he pleaded the more agonized and bloody Jimin's screams got.

Suddenly a loud shout echoed through the hallway followed by a lot of noises.

Taehyung couldn't understand what took place outside the door until he heard footsteps going down the stairs as more agonized moans rung through the downstairs.

Indicating that Namjoon had kicked Jimin down the stairs, probably taking him down to the basement again.

Taehyung guessed Namjoon had succeeded in dragging Jimin down in the basement because he could no longer hear any cries of pain.

He rested his forehead on the door in defeat, softly sobbing against it.

It's been hours since he'd been locked in the room, his hands were red and swollen from the thumping, his knees hurt and his lips were in horrible state from all the biting.

Hours since Namjoon had been beating Jimin up in the basement.

Taehyung felt like it was all his fault, if only he had chased Jimin back to the basement, he wouldn't be getting beaten up right now.

Taehyung knew it was useless but he still prayed for Jimin's injuries to be minor ones.

"I said fucking speak up you filthy, ungrateful brat!" Namjoon yelled as he whipped his leather belt against Jimin's milky back and left another red mark there.

"The-these's nothing t-to ta-talk about.." Jimin slowly conjured up within the pain.

Jimin was wearing nothing but a pair of loose sweatpants that Taehyung lent him earlier as he laid face down on the cold concrete floor of the basement once again, taking the abuse silently.

Too sore and bruised to even move or make any sounds.

Namjoon threw his belt away and kicked Jimin around again so that he was lying on his back now, groaning in pain.

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