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so I love writing phanfiction but I don't think I'm quite ready to start a proper chaptered fic yet so I thought that maybe I should try writing oneshots for now and see where it takes me. please bear in mind that I'm not very gifted at writing but I would love some constructive criticism if you're willing to give me any. 

I think that I'll aim to update once every week or two? it will be hard with school and stuff but I really do enjoy writing so hopefully I'll somehow make time for it (probably while procrastinating from doing homework as I am right this very second). 

I am very excited to start this as I've been meaning to do so for quite some time and I think that it will be really fun and hopefully motivate me to improve my writing whilst also squealing at my own fluffy scenes surrounding my two favourite people. I can only hope that this doesn't go too badly eek

also I should probably clear up that I don't own dan and phil or anything and uh yeah

let's go I guess

(also I doubt anyone will actually read any of this so all of what I just wrote is pointless but if you do happen to be reading this you're great okay now go get some water staying hydrated is important)

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