reassuring kisses and nail polish spillages

20 3 1

words: 727
genre: fluff
summary: dan is feeling kinda stressed and phil knows exactly how to cheer him up <3

Thunder growled outside and rain fell against the window of the little apartment in London. The curtains were drawn in the effort to keep the angry weather out, but the background noise was still there; except rather than channeling rage, it was now more of a comforting reminder that they didn't have to be afraid of the storm - they could simply exist alongside it.

Dan curled up on the sofa underneath their thickest blanket, his laptop precariously balanced on his knees. His brows were furrowed in concentration as he struggled to edit his latest video and his eyes squinted against the light from the screen in the otherwise dim room.

Phil was settled next to him underneath the same blanket, his eyes on his phone as he scrolled through some social media site or other. He carefully moved over so that his head was resting on Dan's shoulder and leaned his body against his. They snuggled together, each grateful for the other's warmth, and were content to just be - as long as they were with each other.

The silence between them was comfortable and cosy, like yet another blanket between the couple and the harsh cold. It was broken, however, with the sound of Dan shutting his laptop with a sigh. Phil looked up from his phone, concern written over his face. "Everything okay, Dan?" he asked quietly, his voice slightly croaky.

"I'm fine, I just... I need a break from working for a few hours," he answered, stretching himself out after having sat in the same position for hours.

Phil lifted himself up and planted a small kiss on his boyfriend's forehead before looking into his eyes reassuringly. "You can get it done, I promise. I know it stresses you out sometimes, but you've managed it before and you'll manage it now. Try not to worry about it. You will get it done, okay?" he told him softly. A smile slowly formed on Dan's face and he kissed his boyfriend back, breathing a quick "thank you" in his ear.

There were another few minutes of silence as they snuggled on the sofa together. A flash of lightning illuminated the room for a single moment. Phil jumped a bit at that and Dan chuckled fondly before intertwining their fingers. It was a gesture of love that shimmered quietly and made their souls glow warm.

Suddenly a light bulb lit up in Phil's brain and he sat up suddenly. Dan groaned at the fact that his main object of warmth had moved, but Phil was grinning and he turned to his boyfriend excitedly. "Hey, Dan, how about... how about I paint your nails?" he asked, seeming almost nervous. "I just thought that we hadn't done it for ages and it's really fun and maybe it would take your mind off your work?"

Dan sat up too and joined with Phil's grinning. "It's a great idea," he said, and Phil promptly got up to find the nail polish.

Dan lowered himself onto the floor, smiling and shaking his head when he heard Phil knock some things over. He soon reappeared and settled himself next to him, now armed with nail polish.

And so they sat together on the floor in the darkened room as the storm raged outside, Phil trying his hardest to delicately paint Dan's nails. The blanket lay rumpled next to them on the carpet and the laptop forgotten on the sofa. Phil's brow was furrowed in concentration and Dan smiled softly at his boyfriend putting in so much care and effort. He loved him and he knew that the love was true.

"Oops," Phil said, breaking the content silence. The nail polish bottle was now on it's side, liquid darkness spilling slowly out of it. He jumped up to get paper towels and Dan rolled his eyes as he put the bottle the right side up and screwed the lid on. Phil came back and mopped up the spillages, apologising sheepishly.

Dan slowly smiled and pressed his lips to Phil's. "It's okay; I forgive you," he said softly and the smile was mirrored on Phil's facial features.

He picked up the nail polish again and resumed painting, the paper towels kept close just in case. And so that evening was spent in a warm and fuzzy feeling, knowing that they had each other, no matter what.

yikes that was terrible wasn't it? oh well, let's just hope that I get at least a little better as time goes on

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