Chapter 1

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This is my second fan-fiction and my first attempt at softening Brennan so tell me what you think.

I do not own bones, sadly.


Temperance Brennan had been sitting at her desk, as usual, typing up her book. She was just writing about Andy and Kathy having a baby, when her phone began to ring. "Brennan"

"We got a case bones, looks like a break in." Seeley Booth spoke from the other end.

"Booth, we cannot know that its a break in yet, you know I hate it when you draw conclusions without solid evidence."

"Okay, you know what, just meet me at the apartments on firebird lane." Seeley said irritated, before hanging up.

"Well bye to you too." Temperance said aloud.


Temperance pulled on blue latex gloves as she bent down next to the corpse. She sighed "Based on her visible  pelvic and orbital structure, this is a female. Judging by the lack of wrinkles and pelvic structure I would say she was in her early to mid twenties." Temperance continued to examine her torso and hips then looked up at Seeley with concern evident in her eyes.

"What's wrong bones?" Seeley asked septically.

"Booth, this woman has given birth." Temperance said looking up at Seeley. "Look at her breasts, shes breast fed before, her hips are wider than normal, and these stretch marks on the front of her hips and belly suggest she was pregnant at some time. Cam will be able to tell us more."

"Oh my god." Booth said. "Bones I don't see any toys around here, this doesn't look like the home of someone with a child."

"Those were my thoughts exactly." Temperance said frowning.

"Are you thinking she gave the kid up for adoption?" Seeley asked.

"I don't know, but that is a valid assumption, she could have had a still birth as well.." Temperance stood up and looked at the forensics crew "I would like the remains transported to the Jeffersonian, Booth and I will stay for further investigation of the home."

Seeley looked at Temperance. "Let me guess you want to look for the child?" Temperance asked.

"Yes, bones we can't take any chances. If we don't find this kid he.... or she could starve to death." Seeley said.

"Fine, Fine!!! But only because this is a child and I don't want to be responsible for the death of a toddler." Temperance said.

The two began by checking the obvious places such as the closets and under the bed. When they had no luck there they searched in the bathroom in the shower and under the sink. After that they searched behind the couch and in the cupboards of the kitchen. a they came to the conclusion that there was definitely no child at, or living in the apartment.

"Booth, I need to examine the blood spatter, I'm okay here alone, here's an idea, why don't you go ask around if anyone has seen this woman, or a child between one and five years old." She took a picture of the woman's face. Lucky for them this was a fresh corpse, that was still recognizable.

Moments later the forensics crew came in and carried the corpse out of the building.


Booth had been knocking on doors and showing the picture to residents and so far not a single one recognised the woman. Most of the residents were elderly, and one man made the observation that the woman, was in fact, dead.

"There's a bullet in her head!" He said suddenly more awake then moments before.

"Yes sir, but my question was have you seen her, or a small child no older than five years old around this area?" Booth said losing hope.

"No, I haven't seem any children around this place, if you haven't noticed its mostly us older folk."

The only useful information Booth had received was the name of the resident living in the apartment in which the crime scene had been.


Booth decided to do a little research and while Temperance and Angela were working on identity, booth was looking at missing children reports and children entered into foster care in the last five years. He tried his best to find a child who looked similar to the victim, but it was hopeless without identity on the victim.

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