Chapter 2

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Temperance and Angela had found an identity, and booth was on his way to meet up with them at the Jeffersonian.

"Her name is Anya Toledo. She was reported missing two days ago by a Jeremy Keegan. I'm guessing her boyfriend." Angela said.

"She lives three blocks from the crime scene at 3240 west oak road." Temperance said. "And she has a 18 month old daughter named Summer."

"This Keegan dude, do you think he has Summer?" Seeley asked.

"Summer has also been reported missing. Booth, I'm sorry." Temperance said.

"Don't be sorry, just help me find her, please bones?" Seeley said.

"Of course. I will help you," Temperance looked at Angela. "Will you have Cam call me when she is finished with the her autopsy?"

"Yeah, sure honey. Of course." Angela said smiling faintly.


When the duo had arrived at the quaint little yellow house, they knocked. After three knocks with no reply Booth gently turned the doorknob, which to both of their surprise, was unlocked.

While Booth looked for the child, Temperance searched for evidence of a brawl in the home. As Booth seemed to have no luck, Temperance entered the bedroom, in which there was a trace of blood on the hardwood floor, and a broken lamp.

Booth walked in and looked at the flooring "Seriously? Hard wood in the bedroom? You can't be serious."

"Who are you speaking to Booth?" Brennan asked taking a swab of the blood.

"Bones, I'm talking to you." Booth glared at her.

"Then yes, i'm serious. even though it was not my decision." She replied standing up. "Have you found the child?"

"I haven't had any luck. I'm hoping that she is hiding somewhere."

Temperance removed her gloves and started searching cupboards in the kitchen. Booth searched the nursery and closets. Just when booth was about to ask Brennan if she had any luck he heard a woman scream in the next house over.

Booth ran out if the house and Burst into the doors of the white house. gun in hand he began to follow the whimpering.

"I just opened my closet door to grab a towel and she was in there." The woman said soaking wet, out of breath only with a towel on.

Seeley nodded and kneeled down at the closet. "Its okay," he said. "I'm a good guy, come here."

The child continued to whimper. Temperance walked in and gave the woman a disturbed look "What's going on Booth?"

"Why don't you try bones, maybe its because I'm a man, you talk to her." He begged.

"I have no experience with children I don't se--"

"Parker loves you, come on, please bones, for the little girl." Booth pleaded.

"Okay, I will try." Temperance said. She knelt down aside Seeley. "It's safe now, you can trust me, I'm a doctor," She said. She smiled gently.

The little girl turned towards Brennan.

"My name is Doctor Temperance Brennan, and this is agent Seeley Booth. We want to help you." Temperance offered her hand to the small child. After staring at her hand for a few moments she slowly placed her hand in Brennans. "We are your friends, you don't have to be scared. We wa-" The child latched onto Temperance and held on for dear life.

"Thanks bones." Seeley said. He reached out to offer his hand to the child but she started to whimper again.

"I think she's afraid of you Booth." Temperance said.

"Bones tell her i'm a good guy, she can't go into custody yet, and one of us has to take care of her." Booth explained.

"I can take care of her." Temperance stated.

"You? With a child. Now this should be interesting." Booth Laughed.

"Seems she likes me so far, notice how she is glued to me." Temperance said.

"Do you even know how to change a diaper or what kind of food she would eat?" Seeley asked.

"Booth, im not an idiot. A highly intelligent woman like myself can figure out child care in a short ammount of time. I have approximate knowledge of care for an 18 month old. I have changed diapers plenty of times, I can ask Angela for help if I need it." Temperance said.

"Fine, are you sure you don't want help, I can spend the night and help for the first night." Seeley said.

"I doubt she will be comfortable with you around, she obviously is frightened by you." Temperance said.

"Okay fine, fine fine. Its getting late you should probably take her home to get some sleep. I'm only a phone call away." Booth said.

Temperance stepped into the nursery of the house and grabbed some clothes and diapers. She noticed Summer had been staring at a tan stuffed rabbit sitting on the rocking chair, so she handed it to her. "I hope this will be enough for tonight." She said to Booth.

"I'll drop by some more diapers and wipes tomorrow before work, okay?" Booth said.

"Thanks Booth." Temperance said.

"No, thank you Bones." Booth said.

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