Surprise and Confusion

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the darkness of night
the pattering of feet
but not for longer
the color much associated with me
the blood I've spilled
slowly getting out of breath
my fear catches up with me
my pupils dilate at the sudden brightness
the headlight spotted me
I've been caught


I quickly rise from my previous laying position. I take huge deep breaths and fight the tears forcing out from my eyes.

'It's a dream. It's just a dream-' I think to myself.

I take shallow breaths and try to regain my normal heartbeat pace. I heard the beeping of a machine. Where is this place?

I look around, rubbing my eyes to get the excess tears out. This is not my home.

I don't know where I am. The questions keep rolling in. "Where am I", being the most prominent.

"Look at my horse. My horse is amazin'-"

Bloody H-

What was that?

I decide to be useful, for once,  and find out that where I am. I got out of bed and walked to the door.

When I slowly opened it,  it made a low creaking sound. I internally cringed. Why does it have to be so loud when I'm trying to sneak around the place?

Oh well.  I opened the door wide enough for me to squeeze myself though. When I got out of the room,  I breathed in then out.

I looked left and right. To the left, there was a long hallway, completely dark. And to the right, there was also a hallway, but at the end was a door.

Guess which one I picked?

The hallway. (ha, you thought)

I walked down the dark and winding hallway. It seemed to coax me closer.

I soon enough heard sobbing.

My curiosity took the better of me. I entered the room where the sadness was emitted from. 

I see it to be a hospital by the looks of it. I wonder how I haven't realized that before.

There was a beautiful blonde female crying over what looks like a dead person.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked. No reply. 

I wondered if she just didn't hear me. "Ya!" I tried. Still nothing.

Soon enough a nurse came into the room. She paid me no mind.


She walked up to the blonde and told her some things I couldn't quite pick up. Probably some things about the patients relatives, or something like that.

"Jellal, no," She wailed loudly. She started to hiccup.



That was me. .

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