reastless nights♥

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>Picture of jada<

(Axari pov)

I cant beleive I've been sitting here all day and I still cant stay awake. Its not my fault my parents keep argueing and the fights they get in always get worser.

I usaully try to stay at school as long as I can to get away from the but it never works.

By the way my name axari valintina yea I know wierd name.I have pure black hair and icy blue eyes Im 5'2 in hieght. Im not skinny nore fat my mom and friends say I have curves in all the right places but if you ask my class mates at park view highschool. Im the

"mute freak."

I also have two friends their names are ravan who is about the same hieght as me with hazal eyes and blue hair and jada whos is about 5'5 and has brown eyes and blond hair. I knew them since pre-k they always stand up for me which im grateful for.

Back to the point Im sitting in math right now trying to focus. I didnt get sleep after my parent argued my dad came in my room drunk and hit me with a bottle. I had to cover up the bruise. the only people that know about it is my firends.

The bruise is really big on my arm so I had to wear a sweat shirt to cover it. Ive been told that I should tell people about whats going on but there the only family I have.

"axari" someone called I turned to see my friends ravan running towards me I wonder whats wrong.

"yea" I said

She final got to me and started talking but itwas hard to understand with her breathing.

"ravan I have no idea what you saying please breath and slow down" I said smiling at her "boy hot of a hunk finest piece of cake Ive ever seen." she said I looked at her suriously "you ran down the hall to tell me about a boy" I asked her raising me eye brow "okay now that you mention it I could have waited till next hour" she said I just shake my head at her.

" did you see him" I just looked at her and nodded my head no. She grabbed my arm but before she could take a step the bell rang.

"Crap we will have to stalk him later" she said as we started walking to art. I sometimes try to figure out why I'm friends with her sometimes. "I prefer not stalking anybody" Jada jumped in out of no where "and where were you missy" I say turn to her. "Just taking care of some business" she said smiling I looked at her closely and noticed a lipgloss smudged. Then I looked around and notice matt had lipgloss on his lips I smirked at her.

"Jada I advise you to reapply your lip gloss after lip locking with Matt" she started blushing "h-how'd you figure out" Jada said.

I just smiled " I observe my prey before I strike" I started to laugh and walk away and sat down in class at my art station.

Me and the girls begin to talk about all the up coming events in school. After about twenty minutes into class the door burst open and when a very handsome Guy standing there.

" Ding Ding Ding fine piece of cake just walked in" said Ravan I looked at her . So this is the Guy she was talking. she was right he is something

He walked in class and went to the teacher "well class it looks like we have a new student" Mr. rugatti said. I couldn't keep my eyes off him but then my phone started ring it was my dad I quickly looked at Jada and Ravan they were already looking at me with worried expressions

"Ms.valintina" the teacher called out everybody's eyes snapped to me "Sorry" I mumbled. then put my head down. "okay. what is your name?" the teacher asked him

"My name is Julio" he said in a Hispanic accent. He looked around the class and made eye contact with me we starfed at each other. Until my phone started ringing and I broke eye contact and looked at my phone.

My dad

I begin to breath hard but answer it anyway. "h-h-hello" I stuttered into the phone.

"where the fuck are you get your dumbass home now you worthless bitch" he said I can feel the tears coming down my face he's drunk that's the only time he does things like this

"y-yes okay I'm on my way" I said and started picking up my stuff to leave. I ended up bumping into Julio. he began to help me pick my stuff up but my phone started ringing I look and its my dad again I drop everything and ran out the door.

My dad never calls me twice except on rare occasion. which ment I was in big trouble I leave and run down the hall.

When I got home nothing could prepare me for what I saw.


Hello love's this is my new book this somthing I've always wanted to try and write so yea

If any one reads this please give me feedback thanks cutie's★

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