chapter 8 (Axari's pov)

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  (picture of  raven)

"Stay still don't move let me clean you up" says raven. I stay still and cry while she cleans the dry blood off me. I don't even know what I did I turned off the music like he asked but then I come to find out his team lost he wanted to take of his anger. I have to be strong not just for me but for my mom and My friends.

'This is all for my mom stay strong look for hope'


"You can't stay here Axari its not safe for you you Need to leave like your mother wanted you to"says raven "I can if  I leave he'll make her miserable  I can't do that I can't leave you guys either I Need you all" I say crying harder. We sit in quietness all day till we fall asleep.

  ' oh Axari you're so beautiful stay with me and be my wife ?  "Um um  YESOf course I'll be ur wife Superman " that's great may I kiss you? "Hell yea" superman picks me up and takes me in the air as he starts to get close to my lips he drops me'

     "Ahhh!!!" I look up to find raven looking down at me laughing "what the hell is your problem I was having the best dream" I say. She smiles and laughs again "well maybe you should have thought about that before making a move on me in your sleep"

  I tried to think about what she just said and then start to blush. The dream haha  "oopsies i didn't mean to do that" I say we both start laugh    

   "okay enough come on you have to get  ready for school" raven says I look at her for a moment and realize that she's already fully dress and I can small  the eggs and bacon "okay give me about a hour i should be done by then, could you also make me a plate to go?"  She's smiles and nods  "THANKS" I yell.....


We arrive at school just 10 minutes before the bell ring. "HEY YOU BRING THAT ASS HERE"  "BOI" me and ravan finish, "ravan called me and told me what happen ugh I'm so sorry" Jada says I just smile at her " don't say sorry you have nothing to say sorry for i-" I'm cut of by ravan " don't get me wrong I like all the apology and talky talky stuff but we are being stared at for the scene before" she says.

  Sure enough we were. We started walking to class as I was walking I was search for a all to familiar bad boy . After told me what had happen we thought we could just avoid him,  so that's what I've been doing its was going perfect until I spotted him.

  We made direct eye contact that's when I noticed he was making his way towards me. I started to panick and looked for places to hide when I noticed I open locker I squeezed in it and closed the locker.

Five fudging minute

That's how long I've been in here . I poke my head out and check both the ends of the hall way I didn't see any one, I stepped out and started walking to my class.

Thank gosh.

Just as I was about to round the corner I hand went on my mouth and a arm around my waist.
How cliché

I start to move like crazy till saw where the person was taking me 
Boys bathroom

Hell no




But the stupid dump face didn't figure out that I didn't want to go in there. When we finally entered the fudge bucket finally let me go. When I turned around around to give them a piece of my mind, I was face to face with the Devin himself

Julio freaking Dimanero.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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