when he realizes he has feelings for you

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( this chapter might suck cause I wrote it in a hurry)

Altair : he was staring at a picture of you on his phone he got lost in his thoughts about you and him that's when he realized how much you mean to him and how much he truly wants  you remembering all of the times you've spend together they are just really precious to him  that was the moment he realized he has feelings for you

Ezio : ezio realized he has feelings for you the minute you told him some kind of guy you meet in the bar ,he got so jealous that he got drunk that night , he just wants you to be happy either with him or THAT GUY but mostly with him

Connor : Connor saw you when you were petting a cute animal you kept hugging him and saying cute things to him Connor just saw you and smiled you caught him staring at you both so you told him to come to pet the animal too , he sat beside you staring at how you looked , you looked so cute and adorable and just beautiful,  that was the moment he realized he has feelings for you

Edward : edward decided to hang out in the beach since that's your favorite place ,  you both just started at the ocean and you closed your eyes "what do  you think of the sea lass?" He asked "the sea is a place where men and woman escape this shitty world and discover that there's more than just work and school and stuff ....is a place for freedom where you can sail far far away and listen to music that the sea makes  the ocean waves is a sound nobody can resist " you impressed edward with your thoughts so let's just say that was the moment he realized he has feelings for you

Arno : arno heard you singing in French once he recorded it (sorry if you can't sing XD ) whenever he misses you he plays the audio on his phone he always goes to his room put on headphones and listens to your singing it always makes him smile and that was the moment he realized he has feelings for you

Evie : whenever evie reads a romantic book she thinks of you whenever she's in the library she thinks of you whenever she's anywhere she's thinks of you you are always on her thoughts she always questions why whenever you send her a text she replies quickly whenever you around she's tries to avoid you since she always blushes once she was in her room looking at your pictures ...that was the moment she realized she has feelings for you

Shay : surprisingly shay realized he has feelings for you when he was watching a romantic movie (the notebook or whatever u want)  , sometimes he just starts imagining you two in the movie , plus he gets lost in his own thoughts of you whenever and wherever (shakira style😜)

Jacob : when you two were walking in the streets of london at night , you both started talking about how annoying siblings are aka evie and your siblings ,and both started dreaming about creating a big gang called the rooks where the both of are leaders , plus your eyes sparkle whenever you start dreaming about them , jacob just kept looking at you for a second and smiling and that's when he realized he has feelings for you

Haytham : you told haytham that you're going to meet your friend in another country which means that you two will be separated,  he always calls and checks on you if you're safe ,he really missed during that time , which made him realize he has feelings for you

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