Chapter Nine: We Are Revelation

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Samantha POV
I had this dream about that same boy again, we were walking in this parking talking about some things until we stopped by this fountain,”Care to make a wish?” I sat on the edge,”C'mon, you know I don't believe in that stuff” He was stubborn and he flipped it, I smiled at him and I saw something in the reflection,”So what'd you wish for?” I was somehow shocked, I wanted to look at him again, but I was just so shocked by what I saw in the reflection, it was Freddy,”Samantha?” I looked at him and said,”I can’t tell you..because if I do, it won’t come true” We continue our stroll in the park, it honestly felt heartwarming. The next part felt like it was a night of May, it wasn’t too hot or too cold that night, as a matter of fact, it was tender. I was holding his hand and I started kissing his fingertips and he pulled my hand to his chest and got on top of me,”I promise I won't hurt you, I'll be gentle” He whispered into my ear and I nodded. When he entered, I gasped and gripped onto him and then I woke up. I remember his name, I think it was Daniel or Danny, I had a dream of being at this little restaurant and we talked about Kristen and new Kids,"There's Dan Jordan...Mhm We are talking one major league hunk" I looked over and it was a girl who wore a black crop top, black skirt and boots and her hair was all wild then I snapped out of it,"God why do I always daydream about the same boy over and over when he doesn't exist?"

I was looking at photos of me when I was a child on my phone because I don't want to forget when I die, I remember being a loner, always so paranoid every single minute of the day, shutting everyone out all because of Krueger, I thought it'd be a good idea to tell mom and dad, but look what happened. It felt like as if I've faced this similar situation before, the first time I saw him felt like as if I've seen him before, like I know him and he's known me as well because no one knows me this well to use all my fears against me. “There's another reason why he's keeping me alive, I just don't know it yet” I don't even have a dream power to discover,”I believe there's a reason why he's keeping us alive”
“Could be because we're the strongest, he's tried to kill all of us but we knew a way”
“So when are we going to do this?” I shrugged,”He's waiting for all of us, he's been testing us, but have you guys seen anything weird like people all dead and gross or someone that you have never met before?” They shook their heads,”Not that I can think of” Then it's just me then,”I must be going insane then”
“No Sam, you're not going insane, maybe those are the children that tried to defeat them, but he got to them and they're trying to guide you”

Rachel POV
I was pouring coffee into my cup,”3rd night in a row?” Jordan asked me and I asked,”Jesus it's been that long?” He nodded,”What happened?” I didn't talk for a little bit then my response,”I don't wanna talk about it, it's hard to explain it because it was such a rush and….” He patted my back,”Soon, after this and it's all over then we can all catch up on our sleep” I thanked him,”So how's you and Sam?”
“She's incredible, brave and words can't describe when I'm with her” He leaned against the counter,”She's scared too you know” I said to him as I was making more coffee
“What do you mean? We're all scared of him and going through this”
“But she's the one that has seen him the most, she knows what he looks like and knows what he can do, she has been raised to be tough, not be feminine over every little thing. Why do you think it's taken her this long to admit it? She probably would've done this herself, but he took someone that means so much to us, so now we are going to take back what's ours and have him know that he doesn't belong in this world or in that dimension”
“Here, almost half the kids at school were calling her a freak for this, how she had a journal for her dreams or nightmares, but I never thought she was crazy. I knew there was different about her and I liked it” He sat down at the kitchen table and I sat next to him,”Are you just leading her on for survival or not? Because if you are, you have to stop this, now is not the time for drama for this type of situation”
“No, no I'm not. It just feels like even though I'm in a Nightmare, Samantha seems to come and make it better, like she is saving me”
“Trust me, without her, we all would’ve died one by one for the past month” Samantha came downstairs,”Hey morning Sam”
“Is it really?” Ugh her too, I can tell by the bags under her eyes,”So what’s the plan?” I feel like we are all depending on her too much, so I formed a plan,”Well first, we need to stick together no matter what”
“He’ll know that we’ll stick together, he’ll find a way separate us. He did that between Rod and I, so that means he’ll do the same thing to all of us, so I guess we should have partners or a group of 3 instead of all together, so one of us can get to Liliana while the others can keep him busy”
“What if he can be at 2 places at once?”
“It’s worth a shot because it’s obvious that she is being forced to do this” Sam stated the truth or whatever was on her mind,”So is this gonna be our headquarters or something?” Jordan asked and Sam nodded,“For the time being and we need to get weapons and whatnot because your dream powers are not gonna be enough for someone like him” We agreed,”So that's the plan, but in the hell are we gonna bring weapons into a dream?”
“If we can get wounds from a Nightmare or bring someone into the dream, I'm sure we can do this”
“What about bringing him out?” I asked Sam and Jordan,“And what?”
“He’ll become a mortal” She shook her head,”No, not a good idea, I feel like that shit has been done so many times, I think it’s better to kill him from where he was reborn” Sam shook her head,”We just need to find what he’s afraid of, destroy what has been keeping him alive in nightmares”
“What makes you think that something has been keeping him alive?”
“Because Alice told me that he told her that he is eternal. He was once a human being” Jordan scoffed.”Really? He was? Tell that to the kids” Sam took a deep breath,”Jordan, can we not do this now? Our lives are at stake here and so is LIliana’s, funny though, but now is not the time” He crossed his heart,”So that means there’s gotta be something that’s keeping him alive”
“The Dream Master” I whispered so slightly and trembling on the inside,”Wait Rach, what did you say?” I looked at Jordan,”The Dream Master”

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