Chapter Eleven: Dream Warriors Reincarnation

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Samantha POV
The next morning, we were all getting ready for the battle, we had no idea when we were gonna fall asleep tonight because we all tried our best to stay up the entire day,"Okay, so we need to split up into groups, so Mark and Rebecca, you guys are the strongest, so you are together"
"How about Joey and Rachel? He's got the strength and she's a chameleon" She flipped Mark off,"What Rach? I'm just saying"
"No, I was thinking her and I" Rachel put her arm around me,"I'll join you guys" Jordan joined and I said no,"Look Sam, there's only 8 of us and only 2 of us don't have a dream power" He looked at Alice and she agreed,"Yeah, since Alice doesn't have any powers, Taylor and Joey can be with her" So we finally got our groups. Rebecca and Mark; Alice, Taylor and Joey; Rachel, Jordan and I. We got ready and by the time we came back to the living room, we all saw the clock, it was 10pm, we all took a sleeping pill, it was hard for some of us to take, especially me and I was the last to take it,"Okay, should we do the hypnosis? It seemed to work last time, but we need to be sure" Mark said to us,"Joey, maybe you can do it again?" He shrugged, so he brought his father's out again, Alice held my hand,"We're gonna make it Alice, trust me" Then he started his hypnosis and towards the end,"When I count down from 5, you will all be deep asleep. 5..4..3..2..1" His voice began to fade out, everything became distorted


Samantha POV
And then became clear, "Jordan? Rachel?" I called out to them, Rachel was lying on the wet floor, it felt humid in there, she groaned,"Rach, we gotta find Jordan" I slapped her face and she groaned louder,"Holy shit" I asked her what was it,"Behind you" I turned slowly and it was a boy who appeared to be 16 hanging by his feet and hands were cut, there were bloody strings holding him from the bar,"I've seen him before" I said to her with my back turned on her,"He was the sleepwalker that I saw in one of my dreams" I walked around him examining him out of curiosity as Rachel was groaning in disgust,"Ugh, that looks really gross, that poor kid" I nodded,"C'mon, let's go find Jordan" We walked around then I saw this flash of fire,"Jordan?" He was in this little place that could hide him,"Are you okay?" He was trembling and shaking,"Tell me"
"I tried, I failed. I tried, I failed" He started to get louder and louder,"Jordan, Jordan!" The only way I was able to get him to calm down was to hug him and saw a jacket of his little sister that was ripped and covered in blood, then I realized that it was an illusion,"Wait a minute" I squatted and grabbed it, I closed my eyes and it disappeared,"Why did you do that for?"
"It wasn't your sister's, he did that to make you weak, he was close to taking you, he can only take us when we're vulnerable, I know your sister is still alive"
"What makes you say that?"
"He can be anyone or anything or put something into your head so he can get to you easily" I warned him and he took a deep breath,"Let's get going" He put his machete behind his back, Rach grabbed her daggers and put them somewhere it wouldn't fall off, I found my bow and arrow,"Lets go kick his motherfucking ass all over dream land" I said as we were walking in the house,"I never said that before, that's a little weird"
"We need to find the others"
"We need to find Liliana first" We went through a door and appeared to be back in the house,"What is this place?"
"Nancy's house" I said to them,"We should split up and-" I cut off Rachel,"No, that's what he wants us to do, wherever one of us goes, we go too, it's too dangerous to be alone now" We went into this bedroom, I looked in the closet,"Yeah like Lili is hiding in there"
"It's possible" Then a little notebook fell, I opened it and it was Nancy's,"What did you get?" I brought it to them,"It's just a dusty old notebook" I shook my head,"Not just any dusty old notebook, this is Nancy's" I handed it to them for them to read the part that Nancy wrote,"You're right, our fear does give him the satisfaction, just him getting to us is a bonus" I nodded,"Should we bring it out with us when we get outta here?"
"Its not 'when, it's 'if' Jordan" I sighed and put it in my back pocket,"C'mon Rachel, we are going to make it, maybe one of them has him by the nutsack"
"If he has any" Jordan muttered and we walked out of Nancy's bedroom

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