Occupation: Black market bioweaponry merchant and salesman.
Glenn Arias (Resident Evil: Vendetta main antagonist) is very much a genius of his own. He enjoys dark piano music and his greatest friend being Jake Wesker, although they once both tried...
Chris, soaring down the streets of New York City, desperately trying to identify Glenn's hideout. "Come ooon..." Chris mumbles getting impatient. So fired up to kill Glenn he feels sick to his stomach. "You've gotta be close..." He whispers keeping his head out the window.
Rebecca, lying strapped to a stretcher table, starts to regain consciousness. She examines her surroundings. She looks down at her arms. "He's going to implant a dead arm on me..." Rebecca thinks to herself feeling nervous to all hell. "Where the heck is Chris?" She thinks over and over in her head. "He better not be dead, or I'll kill him." She narrows her eyes. The doors automatically slide open and Rebecca turns her head to see who it is. Unfortunately, it isn't Chris.
Slamming through the doors of Glenn's hideout building Chris eventually managed to find. His gun lifted and ready to fire. Marching through the halls he quickly fires down any guards of Glenn's before they could even fire. "Where are you, you son of a-" Before Chris could finish his sentence someone speaks. "Chris..." A weak voice echoes down a long hall. Chris looks down that hall and under one light he sees... "Leon!" Chris shouts in shock. "Chris... Help." Leon speaks lying his head back, strapped to a chair around his body. "Don't worry, I'm coming to get you!" Chris shouts. But at that moment a door slides open beside Leon and a hoard of zombies spill out.
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"Leon!" Chris shouts. At the end of the hallway, the zombies turn away from Leon. "Phew." Chris says happily. Although, at that moment the zombies turn to Chris and start groaning and moving his way. "Ah, shit." Chris speaks raising his gun and starting to shoot. He slowly makes his way down the hall, shooting down zombies ahead of him. At that moment, another door now behind Chris opens and zombies spill out of that. He looks behind him and notices this. "Fuuuuck." Chris mumbles and shoots ahead and behind himself. Trying to be cautious of all angles. Leon resides strapped to the chair, helpless.
"Ah, darling." Glenn slides his gloved finger across Rebecca's cheek gently. She, being too scared to react, widens her eyes and her breathing becomes faster in panic. "Oh, please don't be scared. You need to be still in order to have the operation." Glenn smiles gently. "Wouldn't you knock me out for this?" Rebecca asks shocked. "I want to see your pretty eyes, so no." Glenn smiles and leans down to her face. She winces in fright. Her neck, wrists and ankles being strapped to the stretcher, while she still wears the beautiful white wedding dress. "Rebecca... You are the beginning of many things." Glenn stares down at her with his glistening light blue eyes. She stares at him only being able to turn her neck. "You are the beginning of the purification of the world, Rebecca. You are the first to experience a brand new version of my virus." Glenn walks over to her feet and on a chair he opens a briefcase. He turns his head and looks at Rebecca with a charming but devilish smile. "You should feel honoured." After a pause he continues with his normal look. "In here is a syringe. It contains a very very special substance which allows you to be like Maria and Diego, my very first successful products... Only stronger." Glenn closes the briefcase and walks back over to Rebecca's head. "You are going to be..." Glenn leans down to her ear. "Perfect." He smiles and exits the room, the automatic doors closing behind him. "Chris... Where are you?" Rebecca spoke softly.