Chapter 3

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I take a step back from him. "Harry what the hell are you doing here?" I whisper as if there was someone who could hear us. He chuckles and shakes his head. I see nothing funny about our current situation.

"You were right Niall. I am a vile man who finds immense pleasure in the most demonic ways possible." Is he trying to explain himself? If so he's failing miserably. "But what you left out in that email of yours is that you asked for what I gave you. You know that I am incapable of telling you no and you used that against me."

First of all he's not incapable of telling me no. That's utter bullshit. I open my mouth to protest but he holds his hand up and my lips quickly shut.

"You did and you will not stand here and tell me that you didn't. So yes you stormed out after I simply gave you what you asked for. You left." The last two words come out as a whisper and I bite down on my quivering bottom lip.

He lifts his hand to wipe away a fallen tear and I push his hand away from me. "It doesn't matter anymore. Please just leave...I didn't ask for you to come here." I wrap my arms around myself.

"I'm not going anywhere. I have waited...who knows how long now...Too fucking long." He takes another step towards me and I shake my head feeling more tears rush from my already dripping eyes.

"Stop it..." I whisper more to myself than to him. He lets out a small sigh before pushing his hand through his wet hair. He doesn't understand how much it's killing me to push him away like this.

"Niall I'm not going to hurt you...Not again." The space around us is getting smaller and smaller by the second and I fear that I will suffocate. I just want him to leave. No you don't. My inner self screams at me and I bite down on my bottom lip knowing that he's right. Without another word to him, I simply turn around prepared to walk away but his hand clasps around my wrist preventing me from doing so. He spins me back around, before tugging my body against his and within the second his lips were attached to mine. "I told you not to walk away from me...I'm not letting you do it again." He mutters leaving a small inch between his lips and mine.

My fingers fiddle with my bottom lip as our eyes remain on each other. Why did he have to go and do that? It's as if my body has been rejuvenated by just one kiss...and here I am. More confused than ever. "This isn't right Harry..."

"How could this not be right Niall. You're going to tell me that your heart didn't start racing after that...because mine sure did..." I close my eyes knowing that he's right. But I can't. Not right now.

"I'll see you on Saturday okay? We can talk then...just not now." I move out of his grip and he nods. I walk past him leading him to the door. He follows me as I open the door motioning for him to leave. He takes in a small breath before walking out of the door. Once he's gone I quickly shut the door placing my hand on my forehead.

Who on earth did I let myself fall in love with?

I stay up for most of the night watching Netflix on my laptop. Audrey Hepburn heals all wounds. I cuddle with my pillow watching Breakfast at Tiffany's for about the 20th time and I smile. My mind trails back to the time I had convinced Harry to watch it with me.

"Have we never met before?" He asks arching his eyebrow at me taking the jacket of his suit off. I had been at home waiting for Harry to come back so that we could spend some time together. And I of course wanted to watch a movie, like a normal couple for once. Breakfast at Tiffany's was the first movie that had popped up in my mind. Harry wasn't to thrilled with that. "Clearly we haven't if you think I'm going to watch that."

"Oh come on Harry! It's a great movie and it's one of my many favorites. Please can we watch it?"

"I would rather go back to work and talk to those idiot investors." He says making me pout. Why can't he just be simple and watch this movie with me. "Oh come on don't do that." I keep my bottom lip poked out batting my eyelashes seeing him melt where he stood. "Fucking hell Fine. But I better get a superb blow job after this."

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