Chapter 4

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Harry and I spoke very little for the remainder of the time he was at the office. Today was Saturday meaning that it was a day that I was actually willing to speak to Harry. I had all my questions and comments together and I was more than ready. Harry had emailed me saying that he was going to be leaving his house soon.

Here I stood, in the mirror fixing my tie. I had gone with a simple dress shirt and dress pants, along with a black tie. I was nervous to say the least but there was no backing out now. After attempting to keep Harry at arm's length I am exhausted. I hear the doorbell from my room and I close my eyes taking in a deep breath. "Here goes nothing." I step out of my room and walk down the hall to the front door.

I place my hand on the doorknob and close my eyes for a moment before pulling the door open. There he is...the beautiful man that I have fallen in love with.  In a nice suit, with a matching black tie. He slowly pulls his arm from around his back holding out a single white rose like the ones that he had sent me on my first day at SIP.

"Are you trying to blind me with romance?" I take the flower taking a small sniff of it. Mmm somehow he has managed to have this flower smell like vanilla. Much like it's own scent.

"Perhaps I am. Is it working?" He raises his eyebrow and I bite down on my lip. He slides his thumb over my lip pulling it from between my teeth. "Oh how I've missed that lip." Oh how I've missed him touching it...Kissing it...Biting it.

"We should go before we're late. We have a long drive back to Portland." He sends me a small smile mixed with a smirk and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason. Come on we should get going." He holds his hand out to me and I put my hand in his. He claps his hand over mine and leads me down to the car where Taylor is waiting. I'm surprised so say that I have missed seeing Taylor. He's a very nice gentleman. He opens the door for us both and I climb into the car and Harry soon follows.

I look out the window and notice that the streets are starting to become empty. The night is approaching and I can only imagine what the night holds for us.

Taylor stops in front of a familiar building and I can't hide the smile on my face. I look over at Harry biting down on my bottom lip. "Are we taking your helicopter to Portland?"

He nods his head. "His name is Charlie."

"Whose name is Charlie?" I tilt my head to the side and he chuckles.

"My helicopter. His name is Charlie Tango." Oh. I didn't know that he had named his helicopter. The name does make me laugh though. It's an odd name for a helicopter, though I do suppose any name for a helicopter would be odd. "Are you laughing at me Mr. Horan?"

"I believe that I am." Taylor pulls the door open for us and Harry steps out before I do. He holds his hand out for me and I take it letting him pull me from inside the car. Harry nods to Taylor I send him a small wave as Harry led me into the building.

I can't fully contain my excitement. I have been dying to go in the helicopter again, and I'm glad that he's taking me. Maybe this is his way of trying to make things go back to normal. Though normal seems like a far fetched concept for the two of us as of now. It's a pleasant thought. Harry and I step onto the elevator and I look down at my shoes. I notice a pair of shoes near mine and I lift my head coming fact to face with Harry. I can tell that he's beginning to lean in and I gulp a little. The doors open and I quickly step past Harry going onto the roof of the building.

There is another man standing near the helicopter and I look over at Harry with a questioning look. "This is a guard of mine. Don't worry..." Harry says nodding towards the guard who simply nods back before stepping to the side.

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