His Curse and her blessing

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His curse and her blessing

Lily stepped out of the bathroom, walked down the stairs and heard the happy and squeaking chuckle of her baby boy and the loud laughter of James coming from the living room. She leaned forward to peer through the open door and her thick, shimmering red hair fell over her face. A silent smile formed on lips as she watched the two most important people in her life.

„James dear, it's almost eight. I believe this little man here should really go to bed quite soon", Lily said in a loving voice.

James turned around to look at his beautiful wife, nodded in agreement and blew her a kiss. Harry, sitting on his father's lap and watching his mummy with his big, green eyes, imitated his dad's gestures all the while making funny smacking noises.

Lily laughed warmly and blew both of her boys a kiss in return.

„Harry my love, I'll get your bottle ready", she said and disappeared through the corridor into the kitchen.

There she heard once again the soft puffing noise stemming from the living room and Harry's screeching laughter, and Lily knew that her husband didn't resist their sweet boy's smile and was now again producing colored sparks with his wand. She took her own wand and tapped on the small bottle full with milk which waited on the kitchen counter. Within a split second the milk was hot and Lily took the bottle into her hands to carefully check the temperature. Looking down at them, she realized in surprise that she was not wearing her wedding ring.

Well, I must have taken it off whilst in the shower, she thought with a frown and went, now lost in thought, back to the living room, completely forgetting Harrys little bottle.

It stood now on the light marble surface of the kitchen counter and shone brightly in the moonlight, as did the polished wand next to it.

Lily took Harry into her arms, gave him a loving kiss on his soft cheeks and carried him out of the living room. As she left, she could see out of the corner of her eyes how James stretched and yawned cutely and tossed his wand on the small coffee table in front of him. The wand rolled over it and, with a faint 'fwopp', fell down on the other side. But James couldn't care less, instead he cuddled up under a warm blanket and got quite comfy on the couch.

Smiling, Lily left with her son in her arms and stepped into the kitchen, which did now lie in semi-darkness; the only light coming from the moon outside the windows. She knew very well that little Harry did not like the darkness and she did not want to frighten him, so Lily just quickly grabbed the bottle on the counter without completely entering the kitchen. She noticed however the small note that James must have left for her. He had started to leave her these small tokens of love, after Harry had been born and they had heard about that dreadful prophecy. The tiny paper was, as always, carefully folded and Lily decided that she would read it later that night, once Harry was soundly asleep. Then she left the kitchen, humming a good night song to Harry and walked down the short corridor towards the stairs. Harry war looking at her with sleepy eyes and with the back of her hand she caressed his messy, black hair, as he was babbling in a soft voice and his very own language. Lily beamed at him and was about to take the first step on the stairwell when she heard a terrified, panic-stricken stream.

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