Chapter 1

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Oh. My. God.
This is awesome.
I'm hanging outside Daniel Atlas' kitchen window, by a grappling hook I invented myself.
I'm sneaking in, to finally meet the Horsemen!! I'm their biggest fan, but more on that later.
I get myself onto the windowsill, and pull the window open.
Unlocked. Really? For geniuses, and wanted criminals, their security is really basic.
I check my watch; 11:59, right on schedule. (As I mentioned, I am a super fan, and I know Danny is a control freak, lunch time is 12:13 sharp. That gives me 14 minutes to make sandwiches for my idols.)
So, its cheese and peanut butter on rye for Danny, a BLT (baloney, lettuce and tabasco-sauce) in a pita for Jack, and just a pickle sandwich for Merritt.
There's tuna and mayo in the fridge, so I assume there's someone else and make a sandwich with that.
12:12; perfect!
I tidy myself up a bit, fix my hair, put my grappling hook on the bench, and put the lunches on a tray, looking up just in time for Danny to open the door, stop whatever he was talking about (grocery lists, probably) and stare blankly at me.
I take a deep breath, and start talking.
"Hi. I'm Valentina! I'm your biggest fan! I made you guys some lunch! It's your favourites!!"
Awkward silence fills the room.
The most awkward of the silences.
Finally, someone steps forward and reaches for the pickle sandwich; Merritt.
"Mmmmm, lunch.... Mmhh! Pickle sandwich!! How did you kn- "
"Is that really your first question, Merritt, when a 17-year-old girl–"
"22." I correct Danny. Do I really look that young?
"A however old girl just shows up in our kitchen?" Merritt scoffs.
"Dan, she's got a grappling hook, and the window's open. How stupid are you?" He's got him there. Danny looks defeated. Merritt speaks up.
"That's right, very. So, Valentina, what brings you to this neck of the apartment building?"
"Oh. My. God! Merritt McKinney is ACTUALLY talking to me! Do you mind if I squeal?" Merritt waves his hand, indicating he doesn't.
So, I do. "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Sorry, but this is the moment I've waited for for my entire life!!"
"What? Trespassing on private property? "
I hear a gasp from behind Danny, and someone rushes forward. Someone I recognize from something, a while ago. She seems to remember though.
"Squeeeee! Tina! I can't believe it!" I instinctively launch into a handshake that I can't even remember. It's just so bored into my brain, its muscle memory.
And I suddenly remember.
As we finish the complicated handshake with a hug I squeal in response to hers.
"Justice! OMG I can't believe it's actually you!!!" It's Justice Blackstone, my best friend in elementary school, until I moved away for etcetcetcetc.
"Jesus Christ!! What is it with you girls and squealing?"
"Sorry Danny, but I haven't seen Tina since 2004!!! Everybody, meet Valentina Mabry!!" A look of panic crosses Danny's face.
"Mabry... Where have I heard that name before?"
"Uuuuhhh, I may or may not be Walter Mabry's sister."
At this sentence, Jack rips out a pack of cards and prepares to throw them at me.
Geez, that guy is good with cards. Luckily, Justice steps in.
"AH! Down boy!! Put the cards DOWN!" Much like a puppy, Jack whimpers somewhat and obeys reluctantly.
I quickly add something that calms everyone down; "He doesn't exactly know I exist. The Mabry's have a habit of fake deaths. It's kind of our thing."
"WHAT!? What a sick and twisted thing to do!" Jack exclaimed. (For those of you living under a rock for the last half a decade, Jack Wilder was "dead" for three years, look it up pleeb.)
He continued. "So, you faked your own death?" I sigh (I hate telling this story).
"No, my mother did. Right after I was born. Walter and I are twins, actually. But like I said, he has no clue I exist. She and I "perished in a fire" and at that point, Walter and I weren't even 6 months old. So here I am, 22 years later, with a twin brother I've never met, although from what I've heard I don't want to." I'm irritated now. I continue, still with the slight tone of agitation in my voice.
"Now, if you're all done questioning my family history, I hope you recall that I am holding a tray of sandwiches, that I made for my idols, and I guess my best friend. Danny, here's yours." I hand him the sandwich, almost fainting when my fingers actually touch his for a fraction of a second.
"Jack, BLT." He reaches out cautiously, he's still not sure of me. He takes a bite.
"Baloney, lettuce and tabasco-sauce. Good job, Val." I decide not to tell him I hate the nickname Val; he doesn't trust me as it is.
"And Justice, I guess the tuna and mayo is yours. Excellent choice!" I giggle.
This is amazing.
Not only am I in Daniel Atlas' kitchen, giving lunch to my idols, but I've been reunited with my BFF from years ago. I have so many questions.
But Danny has other ideas.
"Okay. This little reunion has been cute, but time for you to shimmy back down that drain pipe and go home. You may be friends with Justice, but you're still trespassing."
Oh, man.
This was awesome.
But now it's all over way too soon. And I don't even have Justice's number!
I give her a look of sadness and turn to leave, my head down.
I sigh slowly and mope towards the window.
Justice looks up, picking up on my puppy dog eyes.
"No! Don't go Tina!" I stop and smile, still staring at the ground.
She turns to Danny and grabs his collar.
"J Daniel Atlas, so help me, if you don't let her stay for at least a week, I will make you hurt in places you didn't know could hurt at all. I'm no Jack Wilder, but I have perfect aim, you have no idea how painful a card cut can be."
Holy crap. She is scary.
Danny agrees.
"Uh- oh- okay! She can stay!! She can have my room! Totally! Absolutely fine with letting a total stranger, possibly a crimina-"
Justice gives him a menacing look.
"Nothing... nothing at all..."
Wow! What a friend! Justice has just won me one whole week to live with the Horsemen!!!
This is going to be the best week of my life!!!
We all leave the kitchen, and I stop at Danny's side for a second to whisper; "I'll sleep on the couch, don't worry."
He grins and lets out a sigh of relief.
Oh. My. God!
Daniel Atlas just grinned at me... Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

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