Chapter 2

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It's night 1, and Justice has agreed to stay up and talk out in the living room, on the couch with me.
We order a pizza for dinner, and start chatting, gossiping and blabbing about our lives since 2004.
We talk for a long time before one intriguing detail finally comes out.
Justice is dating Jack Wilder.
"NO WAY! You're kidding!! I don't believe it!! I refuse to believe it!!"
Justice smiles and laughs at my "outrage".
"Nope, I'm serious. We've almost been together for 6 months. He's a total sweetie pie, just very defensive of us all. He really is just like a puppy. A really sexy puppy." She kind of drifts off, imagining his rock-solid abs.
I interrupt her fantasy.
"Oh, yeah sorry about the whole "terrifying your boyfriend and his friends" thing. I didn't realise he would go all berserker on me."
"Oh, no that's totally fine. Being wanted criminals, they're always ready to attack, or run for that matter."
"Yeah, I guess so."
There's a pause as we both try to think of another topic. I do first.
"So, can you do any magic tricks? I'm quite the mentalist, and I'm half-decent at sleight of hand. I was hoping to show my talents to the guys at some point."
"Well I might be able to convince Merritt, he seems to be fond of you. Or, at least he's not scared of you. Do you think you could read him?"
"Oh, geez I don't know... Merritt McKinney? I guess I might be up to the challenge."
"Okay, I'll try to sway Merritt for you."
A sleepy voice comes from the end of the hall, calling for Justice.
"Justie? I miss you babe, come back to bed... Please?" Justice sighs.
"Aah. Sorry Tina, I'm being paged. Coming, baby." She smiles and waves goodnight to me as she gets up and walks over to Jack.
She takes his hand and slowly pulls him down the hall. I can swear I hear Jack asking her about me, whether I'm who I say I am, but I'm relieved when Justice assures him I'm absolutely fine.
I turn off the lamp Danny retrieved from the storage unit while being threatened with a pack of cards by Justice and roll over on the couch, pulling the duvet tight around myself.
What a day.

The next morning, I wake up before anyone else so I walk/snoop around the apartmentfor a bit.
I see that there's only two bedrooms, Jack and Justice's and Danny's, so I figure Merritt lives elsewhere, but still nearby.
I'll ask Justice about that later. I'm sure there's a story there.
I grab my commonplace book (I always have one in my backpack) and take notes on the way things seem to work, just in case of an emergency.
It's still quite early, but I'm hungry, so I decide to make breakfast.
I walk back into the kitchen, and remember yesterday's ordeal.
It fills me with a feeling I have felt before, some would call it pride, some would call it joy, but I would argue that in many cases, those two words mean the exact same thing, and this is one of those cases.
I'm proud of myself for pulling off that plan, and I'm full of joy, in the fact that I've been reunited with my best friend, and that I'm living with the Horsemen for a week, possibly longer if I'm as good as I think I am at mentalism.
My thoughts and feelings are interrupted when Danny, obviously just up, wearing a bathrobe and bunny slippers (ironic for a magician, don't you think?) pushes me out of the way, walks to the cupboard and pulls out a box of cereal.
He opens it and looks inside, and a look of disappointment crosses his face.
"Damn! Jack ate all my friggin' Mini Wheats!! Now what am I meant to have for breakfast?" He turns to me.
I'm thinking, and it must be obvious.
"I don't suppose you have any MiniWheats in your backpack or something, do you?" I giggle (why on earth would I have a box of Mini Wheats in my backpack?).
"No. But I am quite the chef, if I do say so myself."
"Okay, don't get all high and mighty, you make a decent peanut butter and cheese sandwich, but that doesn't suddenly mean you're Gordon Ramsay!!"
"Oh, you ain't seen nothing yet!! And also, I'm more Nigella Lawson. So, go do whatever you want, this morning, I'm in charge of breakfast!!!" Danny shrugs his shoulders, and walks out.
"And, Danny? Tell Jack and Justice that they can sleep in."
"What? What about me? Why can't I sleep in?"
"Well, you're already out of bed.You can go back to sleep if you want."
"Okay." He walks out, and towards Jack and Justice's room.
I close the door, and get to work.
First, I investigate the ingredient situation.
They've got kitchen staples, like sugar, eggs, butter, flour, those kinds of things, and chocolate chips, vanilla extract and cinnamon. I rack my brain, thinking through my repertoire of breakfast foods, and finally decide on chocolate chip pancakes, with a chocolate drizzle.
And I might even make hot chocolate!!!
I start mixing the dry ingredients together, when Justice walks in.
"Morning Tina." She says through a yawn. She goes to open the cupboard, but I jump in the way.
"Didn't Danny tell you?"
"Tell me what?" I sigh, frustrated at Danny.
I gave him one job!!
"I'm making breakfast this morning. Jack ate all of Danny's Mini Wheats, so he put me in charge of breakfast!" Justice laughs.
"Oh, yeah. That wasn't Jack who ate all the MiniWheats. What can I say, a girl gets hungry at 3am!! So, what are you making, Nigella?"
"Thank you!! Finally, someone who gets that I'm Nigella Lawson!! Danny said Gordon Ramsey!! I'm making choc chip pancakes, by the way."
"Oooooh, yum! Can I help out?"
"Sure! You can mix together the wet ingredients. In here." I hand her a bowl and we get going.
Justice cooks the pancakes, and Imake the drizzle (melted chocolate and cream) and the hot chocolate (I add cinnamon, my special touch).
Time passes, and sooner or later, we're done.
"Okay boys, breakfast is ready!!!" Jack comes running out, excited for food, I guess.
"Sweet! Pancakes!! Thanks babe!!" He thinks Justice has made them. Great.
"Uuum, actually..." I try to pipe up, but he's already eating like, you guessed it, a dog.
And not in a cute way.
Luckily, Justice has got my back.
"Actually, baby, Tina made them for us. I helped but she's the real mastermind." I blush.
"Oh, thanks. They can't be that good though." Jack swallows and sighs.
"Um, no they're, uh, really good. Thanks Valentina, they're delicious, I guess." He obviously still doesn't like me.
But that's okay. He likes my pancakes, which is good.
Danny comes out, and takes a deep breath through his nose, smelling the rich aroma of my pancakes.
"Oooh, they smell good."
"Choc chip pancakes, fresh from the frypan. I've also got hot chocolate in the kitchen. Who wants some?" The boys chorus "ME!!"enthusiastically, like 8-year-olds, and I'm proud that they like my food, and excited, because that's another reason for them to like me.
But it all relies on Merritt and his "readability" as I refer to it.
Just at that moment, Merritt bursts through the door, he's clearly just run down the hallway, clutching an iPad.
"You have to see this. It's an email I just got from the Eye."
No way. The Eye?
Everyone rushes over to him. Justice does a double take. "Oh god."
Danny shakes his head in disbelief. "No..."
Jack growls and turns to face me. Oh geez. What is it?
"What? What is it, guys?"
"Get out. We need to talk as a group. Get OUT!" Danny points towards the door.
I'm confused. But I have to, because it looks serious.
So, I walk out.

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