Here for You

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Here for You- Shane & Shane

Derek's POV:

"Meredith Grey. Thirty-two-year-old female found climbing out of the Puget Sound, has a deep laceration to the back of the head, potential head trauma, hypothermic, temp 90.5 degrees last time checked." Derek rambled off as he hopped out of the ambulance and met Bailey's shocked face.

"Derek, what happened?" Bailey asked flabbergasted. She could see that Derek was simply spacing out while he was pushing Meredith's gurney into the hospital. "Derek do you know what happened to her?" Bailey asked again.

Derek was still in a shocked state. It was still mind-boggling that Meredith, his Meredith, was being put into a trauma room. He wished that she had simply spent the morning with her mother because if she had been in the safe environment of Seattle Grace, this entire calamity could have been avoided. If only she had stayed. He asked her that morning if she wanted him to talk to the chief, but of course, she retreated into her comfort shell and told him she was fine. If she had just sided with him for once he wouldn't have to endure the memories of seeing her pale form on a gurney inside an ambulance.

Earlier in the ambulance:

"D-d-er," Meredith tried to say but her exhaustion and obvious head injury were preventing her from doing so.

"Shhh don't try and talk Mer, you've just been through something traumatic and have a distinct head injury. I do want to ask you some questions okay? Just give one squeeze for yes and two squeezes for no," Derek told her and getting one squeeze in response.

"Does the head pain feel like throbbing?" two squeezes, "Sharp?" two squeezes, "Pounding?" one squeeze.

Derek had been hoping that it had been throbbing or sharp, for those two were usually associated with less severe head injuries. Pounding could mean any number of things.

If it were not for seeing Meredith's teeth chatter, I would have forgotten all about the fact that she was still soaked in cold salt water. I looked around for the thermometer and finally found it after looking in four different drawers. I may be a doctor, but knowing where everything is inside the ambulance, is not exactly in my terminology.

I wasted no time in swiping the thermometer across her forehead and under her ear. When I pulled up the thermometer the tiny screen displayed her temperature. 90.5°F. That's low, too low.

I react fast and waste no time in finding warming blankets in hopes of raising her temperature so the hypothermia doesn't get worse. Luckily, I found the blankets with ease and got them on her in seconds. For a moment I paused and took a breath. I just found Meredith climbing out of the water, coughing, barely able to talk, bleeding for a head injury, and now has hypothermia. I still continued to blame myself. I could have gotten to her sooner, I should have been there, but didn't get to her in time. I wasn't her knight in shining armor, and I can only hope that she will forgive me.

I would have continued the rant that was going on in my head if it wasn't for the squeeze my hand felt. I looked back towards Meredith and stared into her bright green eyes. I couldn't tell what she was thinking from her expression, but it did look like she wanted to say something. I didn't stop her from trying to talk this time for I wanted to see if she was improving in her ability to speak.

"Itssnot... yr.....fawlt" she slurred.

If this wasn't a sign that Meredith would be okay then I don't know what would be. Despite the excruciating pain, her body was in, she still made sure that I was okay. You would only find that kind of character from someone like Meredith Grey.

Going back into doctor mode, if she was aware of her surroundings and able to tell how I feel, she most certainly would not be suffering any major deficits.

I smiled my McDreamy smile at her to provide some reassurance that I was still here for her and would not leave her side.

I started to feel the ambulance slow down and I knew that we were at Seattle Grace.

Back in the trauma bay:

"I-I think she was pushed in by a patient"

"Well, either way, let's get her inside so that we can do a full workup," Bailey shouted as she started pushing Meredith's gurney through the doors and into a trauma room.

It seemed like only seconds before the room was filled with people and Meredith started to look overwhelmed. Her eyes were darting around as doctors started to fill the room. I was ready to step in and tell her everything would be okay, but Bailey beat me to it.

I don't know why Bailey felt compelled to calm her intern down, but whatever Bailey whispered into Meredith's ear, seemed to calm her down. Bailey was here for her. 

A/N: SORRY!!!! School has been crazy lately and I never get a chance to write! I got promoted to a managing yearbook editor, so that takes up most of my time. I hope you guys like this chapter, I know it's kind of all over the place, but I wrote in a rush. Don't know when the next update will be out so bear with me!!


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