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Slow, resounding chords echoed through the dimly lit hallway. Pale digits pressed against the rough ivory keys, producing a soft melody from the old piano. The wind outside the house was howling and - 

What an odd place to put a piano, he thought, shifting atop the creaky wooden bench he had claimed as his own. He reached for the thin piece of paper covered in pencil smudges and roughly scribbled in quarter notes running up and down the multiple measures. Curling his fingers around the edge, he let the sheet crinkle against the force. With a disgruntled huff, he finally brought up his other hand and smashed the paper into a ball. He tossed it against the wall and watched as it rebounded back at him while simultaneously plummeting to the ground with a quiet scuff-like noise.

The familiar flick of the kitchen lights being turned on met his ears and he barely managed to grab the paper ball and turn off the lamp near his piano before his father's large form appeared at the end of the hall. The man yawned lightly and coughed a bit into his hand before questioning his son. 

"It's nearly three, boy," his father muttered, shuffling down the hallway towards the boy. As soon as he got a better look at the older man, he noticed the dark circles and bags clearly shown below his eyes. Guilt welled up in him, threatening to overflow with meaningless words and empty promises - he'd never do it again, he'd say.

"Sorry," the boy mumbled, holding the crumbled paper closer to him as some sort of safety precaution.

The man yawned again, dragging his hand down his face in the process. "Just get to bed, alright? I don't feel like dealin' with this right now."

"Yes sir."

As he began to make his way past his father to get to his bedroom door, the bigger male grabbed his forearm. His son turned to him, making quick eye contact before breaking it almost as soon as it happened.

"Don't be stayin' up any later to read your stupid stories, alright? There ain't anything in them fantasies that's gonna help y'through life."

"Yes sir."

"And, Robin - you can do better. Try harder next time."


it's short and yet everything i needed this entire time ;D

anyways, here's the official prologue of acawcgwb 2.0!! i'm actually really happy it's back and i feel so relieved,,,,

i hope you enjoyed !!

(also, this entire book is dedicated to Cormenion , AwsomeDragons , and Tiffotater because y'all are all the people who stuck through the entirety of what was acawcgwb 1.0 :))

wow i'm such a kiss up)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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