Chapter 3

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It's currently 12:00 pm and Youngbae and Daesung are at Jiyong's house waiting until they go. He got a text from Seung Hyun and of course the couple freaked out.

tabi1104: I know it kinda short notice but, I was wondering if I could bring my other friend Seungri?

dragonboi8: Yes of course, I'm bringing two friends so you should be able to also.

tabi1104: Okay thank you.

tabi1104: I'll leave first.

*tabi1104 has left the chat*

"Seung Hyun is going to bring his friend Seungri also." Jiyong informed Youngbae and Daesung. Them bring them they started jumping with joy.
At the cafe:
Seung Hyun had walked into the cafe with Seungri and Bora. He saw three men talked and he assumed that they were Jiyong and his friends. They walked up to the table and introduced themselves.
They had all ordered and it seemed Seungri, Youngbae and Daesung were all getting along well. Bora didn't seem to like Jiyong that much. "So how long have you two been together?" Jiyong asked.
"Three years now." Bora said with a bit of an attitude. Seung Hyun nudged Bora basically telling her to stop being so rude to Jiyong. Daesung and Youngbae looked at each other and then whispered to Jiyong, soon after they payed their part of the bill and said goodbye. Seungri was obviously sad but he had gotten their numbers so he can talk to them more.
Bora and Seungri started talking with each other and Bora kept glaring at Jiyong which made Seung Hyun a little angry. "I feel like I should tell you more about myself" Jiyong suddenly said "I'm bi sexual and I'm single. Also I like to dye my hair a lot, I can't think of a color I haven't done yet." Jiyong lightly chuckled.
"Seung Hyun, me and Riri are getting tired we're gonna leave." Bora said in a fake voice lightly clinging onto Seungri.
"Okay, I'll meet you at your house in like an hour, alright?"
"Alright" and with that they left.
Jiyong and Seung Hyun talked about 45 minuets longer about just random things then Seung Hyun had to leave because he promised Bora that he'd be at her place in an hour.
He stopped on the way to get Bora some flowers and some chicken nuggets, he decided to be nice and get Seungri something too. He got Seungri a panda stuffed animal and a large fries. He was a little bit late but he doesn't think Bora's going to mind.

Love at First Sight -G-dragon x T.O.P fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now