The End of an Alpha

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^Sang's Mother - Mary^

Sang POV

"Mom, I don't want to wear this to my Alpha ceremony." I tell my mom who is the current Alpha of the Great White pack in South Carolina. I turn 21 in 1 week and will officially be named Alpha of the pack while my mom and my 4 fathers step down. It's common in our world to have multiple mates for women but only an Alpha woman has more than 3 fated mates. Men never have multiple mates, don't ask me why, that's the way the moon goddess made it be. 

"Daughter, It's a beautiful gown and will be easy to shed if you have any challengers." She giggles. I wont have any challengers. Not because people don't want to challenge me but because they know they will lose. I'm the best fighter in the pack in human and wolf form. I'm the only child my mother was able to bear, it was a lonely childhood but it forced all of my mother and fathers training on me. I wasn't able to leave our home often without guards due to potential enemies but once I'm Alpha, I'll be required to be out in public more. I'll even need to do a tour of the different packs around the country to find my fated mates in any current packs. I hope none of my mates are lone wolves. It would make finding them so much more difficult and I wont have the time to search. Being a female Alpha leader is rare. As far as I know my mother is the only one in the United States, possibly all of North America. It's a little more common in the European packs because they're a lot more progressive than we are. But in America men don't particularly like to listen to Alpha women. My bloodline is the purest in existence therefore we are the strongest and if trained properly, unstoppable. 

The more pure your bloodline is, the more your wolf and human form come together. While being a shifter is literally having 2 souls in your body, one human and one animal, the more pure a bloodline the closer those 2 souls are. The personalities, characteristics, demeanor, strength, skills, everything is more cohesive. The less pure the more distinct those souls are. Your human form could be calm and mild mannered, while your wolf could be angry and destructive. It makes it difficult for the human part of you to have control while shifted. And trust me when I say, you need the human part of you to have some control while being in animal form. I've seen what happens when the animal in you is to strong and takes over. If you don't have a capable Alpha to force the shift, you could be stuck in animal form forever. It's a horrible fate and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. 

"Mother, why green? The dress is beautiful but you know white is my color." I sigh. I love white. My wolfs coat is the purest white any wolf can have and it works so well when I'm in human form with my ice white hair. My mother is the only other white wolf in existence and even her coat isn't as white as mine. I've always had questions about our lineage, but my mother keeps things hush. She tells me once I become Alpha she will spill all of her secrets. 

"It brings out your eyes, daughter of mine. Just trust your mother and then we can stop arguing and go for a run. How does that sound?" She smiles. She knows she has me. Asena, my wolf, has been dying to come out. She can feel our Alpha power coming to a head. She knows in one week time we'll be the strongest wolf in our pack and the strongest female in the country. 

"Fine momma. But I'm wearing white on the mating tour across the country." She nods and smiles at me. 

"I love you baby girl. I have something for you." She digs around in her closet and pulls out a wooden box and heads to sit on her bed while I join her. 

"What's in the box?" I ask curious. I've never seen this box.

"It's something I've been saving for you since I found out I was having a baby. I won't open it now because it isn't time but promise me that when the time comes you will open this." She's being very cryptic and that isn't normally my mother. She's a straight shooter. No bullshit, tough as hell Alpha. But looking at her right now, she looks unsure of herself.

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