Diary Entry #1

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The diary torn on the thing holding it together, barely holding on.

Dear Diary,

Guess what? Big Brother Loki gave me you when I came into living with him! He's so nice, but he really likes fire, which is dangerous at times, but it's really warm, and the colors are nice! Wait, you don't even know who I am. I'll introduce myself then.

Name: Egil Steilsson

Age: I don't know, I think I'm 6 or 7 in appearance.

Sexuality: What's that?

Looks: You know what I look like!

Likes: Chocolate! And Big Brother!

Dislikes: Vegetables and Big Brother getting hurt.

Other: I'm an optimist!

I guess that's it!

Signed, Egil "Chocolate" Steilsson.

You then closed the book to see the Icelander reaction to that entry.

Egil softly smiled, "I remember that time.....It was when Big Brother just took me in...." He chuckled. "Good times."

Diary of an Optimistic IcelanderWhere stories live. Discover now