6 diet ideas to get rid of belly fat

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A new publication by Robynne Chutkan, a gastroenterologist and founder of the Digestive Center for Women in Washington D.C., suggests that girls have a propensity to bloat more than men mainly because they have longer intestines. Here are even more reasons for bloating that you likely did not know about.

Chutkan says that there are important differences between the male and female digestive tracts.

Cut down salt: An excessive amount of salt in the diet leads to edema and bloating. Stick to the recommended 1500 mg of salt consumption a day. Don't put on the table to add to your dinner and restrict the number whilst cooking.

Avoiding ready meals is essential too as these are laden with salt for flavour. You can read more about the way you can reduce your salt consumption and control your BP.

Eating a mix of insoluble and soluble fibre is a powerful way to remain fit and avoid the bloated feeling which comes with constipation. Foods include cabbage, broccoli and oranges, mushrooms, raspberries. This is a weight loss diet by a specialist dietician you may use.

Focus on potassium-rich foods: As sodium makes body retain water, potassium helps it to remove excess water. Eating potassium-rich foods like sweet potatoes and bananas can help minimise your middle midsection. But be certain to exercise right as these can be fattening also.

Remain hydrated: Not drinking enough water also can aggravate your sodium and potassium levels.

Prevent digestive pressure: Stay away from foods that are difficult to digest like sugary or fatty foods. Focus instead on simple meals which are created using vegetables that are steamed and whole foods to fix the digestive system.

Ditch artificial sweeteners: Found in flavoured water, diet, low -carbs and sugar-free foods, body n't fully digests artificial sweeteners. Bacteria in the large intestine have a tendency to ferment them, causing gas and bloating. Check food labels to prevent xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol and lacitol. Read more about tips on how to overcome on sugar cravings as well as about some sugary products that you should avoid for the health's sake.

Delicious recipes for weight loss

Diet plays a significant part in weight reduction. As most dieticians say, it's 30% exercise and 70% diet in regards to fitness and fat loss. This implies, one needs to be mindful and aware in what they eat for every meal. No! Even when you are on a weight loss diet, you may make your meals interesting and delectable or replacing the fatty ingredients of your favourite recipes with healthier choices. Below are a few choices for you.


Start your day with a healthy shake. This can not only keep you full for longer but also ensure that you just get all the benefits of papaya, orange and banana. That is an anticholesterol shakewhich means it is good for the heart at the same time.


You'll be able to opt for a healthful chicken stew, if a non vegetarian are you. This dish additionally consists of lots of veggies so you get their nutrients. Chanasoya masala can be made by you, if you're a vegetarian. It's a low-calorie recipe as it's a combination of spices but it'll entice your taste buds. A healthful lunch will make sure that you remain full for more without many hunger pangs.

Evening snacks

Bites are likely the hardest meal to control as there are a lot of choices like junk food, frozen food and other fast bites as it pertains to weight loss,. So it's a good idea if you might have a a more healthy alternative prepared before you begin gorging on something unhealthy like fries, hamburgers, etc. Try making cucumber pancakes.


A light dinner is a great method to end the day and nothing is more healthy than the usual salad. Strive making this healthful leafy salad that has a host of lettuce leaves. Even if you want to eat something for dinner, have a bowl of salad. By doing this, you will be fairly full and you will not indulge into eating the main course. [http://diethub.webs.com Recommended diet to lose belly fat]

Revealed - 10 secrets of those who lose weight easily!

You might have often heard people say, 'My friend eats more than me but while she does not put on any weight, I appear to pile on the pounds quite readily.' The response to this question lies in our metabolism speed. In other words, metabolism rate is the rate at which our body burns calories.

'The faster our metabolism runs, the more calories we burn off. Eating several small meals a day was understood to speed up metabolism. For the same motive, food has great relevance in increasing or lowering metabolic rate,' Tanuja Sodhi, nutritionist at pro parenting online community www.parentune.com told IANS.

Here's a listing of food things to boost your metabolism:

-Broccoli: The green vegetable features high amounts of calcium, which increases the metabolic rate and help burn fat. (Read: 8 Indian replacements for imported vegetables which could save money)

- Spinach: Also called as Palak, it really is a good supply of various nutrients like vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and iron. Vitamin C helps increase metabolic function.

- Capsicum: Understood as shimla mirch, the chemical capsaicin in capsicum or bell peppers is an effective metabolic booster. Our body temporarily releases stress hormones that speed up our metabolism, when it is eaten by us. This burns more calories as the body tries to cope with the spicy flavour.

- Legumes: Beans are high in both protein and fibre. While protein helps keep and build muscle mass that helps increase the metabolic rate; fibre too perks up the metabolic rate because the body takes quite a long time to break it down.

-Grapefruit: Grapefruit is a source of phytochemicals and many nutrients that add to a diet that is wholesome. It has an extremely low glycemic index making the fruit burn extra fat and help the body's metabolism. It possesses antioxidant properties and also helps in controlling cholesterol.

-Oatmeal: Oats are a rich supply of fibre - both soluble and insoluble ones. These help in regulating bowel movements and avoid constipation. They are also an excellent choice for those who would like as they are able to boost your metabolism to slim down. The fibres within oatmeal make you feel full for longer and you find yourself eating less. (Read: 5 reasons to start eating oats)

-Green Tea: Green tea has many ingredients in it such as saponins, caffeine, theobromine, theophylline, vitamins and epigallocatechin. The compound Epigallocatechin (EGCG) reduces your hunger and improves your metabolic rate. (Read: 10 ways green tea keeps you healthy and fit!)

-Tofu: Made from curdled soybean milk, tofu is pale white and resembles small blocks. Tofu can also be a superb supply of iron which helps in the making of haemoglobin. What? It is a great option for someone attempting to slim down, as your metabolism increases.

-Ginger: Ginger, as adrak additionally has cholesterol lowering properties understood in India can help improve cardiovascular health, in addition to speeding up the metabolism. (Read: 10 health benefits of ginger)

-Chillies: Pros say eating mirchi or chillies can help burn energy, hours after a meal. It is also been proposed eating hot food may temporarily suppress the desire. Nevertheless, be careful of eating a lot of chillies as it can cause digestion difficulties.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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