Chapter One ~ Powerless Powers

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I was sitting in class, waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. The teacher was talking about mitosis. Suddenly, I get the worst headache ever. It felt like my brain was going to explode. I grabbed my head, and then everything went black.

When I woke up, I saw that I was in the hospital. My older sister was watching TV, and my older brother was at the door waiting for someone. He looked over at me in surprise.

"Hey Y/N. You're awake... How are you awake?" He mumbled.

Totally disregarding what he just said, I looked around for my parents.

"Where's mom and dad?"

"They're outside talking to someone."


My sister finally looked at me while my brother just stared at the floor, not answering my question. I asked again, but even louder so they wouldn't have a choice but to answer.


My brother finally looked up and was shaking with fear. Was it because of me?

"The FBI."

"Why are mom and dad talking to the FBI? It's not like I did anything. I just passed out, right?"

"They took some of your blood and your test results came back. I guess you have some sort of blood disorder."

"What!?" None of my family has ever had anything wrong with their blood. I just want to go home. I hate hospitals, and why the hell are the FBI here for my "blood disorder?"

Finally, my mom and dad walked in with a red haired lady, a big buff man, and a man not quite my age with black wavy hair and fair skin. All of them looked at me seriously, except the fair skinned man. He smiled at me, trying to keep me calm.

"Hello Y/N. I'm Agent Elizabeth and this is my partner Robert. This our trainee, Timothée. M" She pointed at the young faired skinned man.

When he looked away, his face became serious and I felt cold again, but once our eyes locked on each other I felt warm and happy. I couldn't speak, even if I wanted to say "well hello there," or, "hiya" or even, "why the fuck am I in this damn hospital?" I couldn't speak. All I could do was focus on Timothée.

"Y/N, sweetie, the nice lady and man need to-"

"Mom, I'm not a little kid. I know I have some sort of stupid blood disorder or something, so if they want to talk they can and they don't need to sugar coat it." I say, now staring harshly in the two older agents eyes.

"Well Y/N, all you need to know is you have to come with us to our program that will help with this disease and hopefully remove it from you completely."

While the lady was talking, I glanced over at Timothée to see that he was still staring at me. Once the lady agent said, "Remove it from you completely," his face got even paler than it already was. It looked the color of freshly fallen snow, which made me terrified.

After that whole serious talk, everyone went down to the cafeteria, except Timothée and me. He stayed in my room as my watcher. I was asleep most of the time, until I heard the door to my hospital room slam shut. I opened my eyes to see Timothée packing my stuff up and writing a note to my family.

"What's wrong?"

"We need to go... Now."

Hi my fellow Homo sapiens this is my first book so it's going to suck. I'm going to try and put as much work into this as possible because I think Wattpad is so dope.
Byeeeeee :)

FBI Boy (Timothée Chalamet x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now