Let's Try Again

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Grace called her secretary and told her that everything was under control and she wanted to get back on schedule. She called for an emergency presentation meeting. If she was going to nail the account she needed to prioritize better. Her sons were first, but they were adults. She needed to do things for herself too.

Grace walked into the conference room ready to tackle the job.

When she walked in, Darius stared, George stared, and King looked intently like he wanted to devour her

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When she walked in, Darius stared, George stared, and King looked intently like he wanted to devour her. She cleared her throat and spoke to all of them.
They asked her about her trip and she gave them bits and pieces. She wasn't ready to share with anyone that her son had a problem. Although Luke didn't see it as a problem, Grace had already emailed a recovery addict therapist about the situation and Luke would have to attend mandatory sessions. Luke wouldn't like it, but he would get over it.

Darius and Grace stood up and begin their presentation. The aura was so bright in the room. They fed off of eachother and although Darius would flirt, he was still being professional and delivering an exceptional presentation along side her. When they finished. King smiled. Royale beamed and George had that look of a proud father.

"What do you think Mr. Chance?" Grace asked him

"I absolutely love it!" King said. "Let's make it happen. I want the best and fastest builders money can buy. I want this finished in 3 weeks. I don't care how you do it, just get it done."

King shook everyone's hand and headed out of the conference room. Royale did the same. Darius and Grace stayed behind and looked at the presentation again. Darius grabbed Grace and spun her around. Grace laughed.

"I guess we did it!" Grace said

"Yes we did.  It was fantastic!" Darius said. "Why don't we go and celebrate?"

Grace was going to say yes. It wasn't any harm in that. She wanted to celebrate. She opened her mouth to answer him and her phone started vibrating text messages.

"Excuse me one second while I check these texts." Grace said holding up her pointer finger

"No problem. Take your time. " Darius said. Grace pulled her phone out and begin to look through the messages.

King: Great Job today! You both did well. I can't wait to see the final production.
King:Have dinner with me tonight at Sergio's please?
King:No funny business.
King;No sex.
King:Unless you want to.
King:What do you say?

Grace looked up and saw Darius reading his emails.
"Darius, can I get a rain check? I had something come up." Grace said.

"Oh yes of course." Darius said. "Let me get back to Manhattan. I'll talk to you soon."

"Yea. Sure." Grace said. Once Darius left the room she texted back King.

Grace: Ok King. As long as you promise no funny business, I will come.

King: I promise. I'll send Curtis to pick you up at 7pm.

Grace: Great! See you then.

Grace left the conference room and headed to her office. After she completed some of her other tasks she called it quits and headed home to change. She chose a red off the shoulder dress with a high split in the front. She felt a little frisky when she put it on. "What is wrong with these hormones!" She thought.

Curtis drove up and she walked out. When she got closer to the car, King stepped out.

"Hello Beautiful." He said in his sexy voice

"Hi there." Grace said and blushed.

"Lets head to eat shall we?" King said taking her hand and leading her into his car. They rode in silence until they got to Sergio's. Grace was ready to eat some Italian cuisine.

Her and King laughed and talked about their childhood. They talked about how they both ended up in business. King was very privileged and was the epitome of a silver spoon in his mouth. He didn't have to start working on his own until age 30.

She on the other hand wanted to work when she was a teenager but her father forbid it. He believed that women should be in the kitchen and with the children not laboring on a job. She didn't visit her parents. They called her a failure when she told them that Trevor left her. She had no one except her sons.

Some things King just didn't understand about her and some things she didn't understand about him. They didn't lack conversation starters nor finishers they just weren't compatible. He was too young to understand what she was going through as a mother and she was too old to understand why the younger generation did what they do.

They were in two different words. She was happy to say that she tried to make it work and give it a chance. But that's truly pointless. They had no future together.

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