What they seen was cute.

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Bill loved your sense of humor, How sweet and comforting you are to them. He loved that you were brave and weren't afraid❤️


Eddie loved to mock your laugh, because he thought it was so cute. He would make these stupid jokes about "Germs." He also loved that you were so always open minded❤️


Richie loved it when you wore his glasses, He loved you e/c and how you didn't care what other people think. He loves you for who you are.❤️

Mike loved it when you would go over and help reload his guns. And he thought your smile was very attractive❤️

Stanley loved your height, He thought short was cute. He would always joke around about your height he loved your smile❤️


Beverly loved when you and her would do some fucked up bad shit together. You and her were both amazing friends❤️


He loved your taste in music, You both have fun and laugh around that's what he saw was cute about you❤️

Huge disclaimer-
(I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I have to get back to editing. School has been a real pain in the ass for me, I have a lot going on💕 I can't sleep for shit, Even if I forced myself too? I recently found out I have a strange disorder called "insomnia."

It's basically when you can't sleep❤️So help me please❤️ love you lots! Thank you so much!!

Quote- "Please babe don't go switching sides."


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