Chapter 1

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Marinette looked down at her books that she was studying, till her mother popped her head into her room.

"Marinette, we will be leaving in a few minutes. Do you need anything before we go?" Marinette looked towards her mother and smiled reassuringly.

"No, I'm good mom, have a nice date."

"Are you sure? We could not go, if you would like-"

Marinette cut her off, "Mom, go. It's not just any date it's your anniversary! Now don't keep Dad waiting!"

Nadine, smiled at her daughter, knowing she was probably right, "Okay then, but call us if anything happens. And remember NO Parties! Also, if we're not back by 12:00 A.M. at the latest, it probably means we lost track of time so just-"

Marinette sighed, "Call you, yeah, yeah I know. Now stop making your date wait and go already!" Marinette teased playfully, then looked back towards her papers and began to back to studying. Once the shaft shut, Marinette checked her phone and switched on bluetooth,connecting it to her speaker. She then opened SoundCloud and got lost in music while studying, to realizing that the time was flying by.

Marinette looked at her phone again, realizing it was already 8:00 pm. Damn. She thought, time flew as it had already been two and a half hours since her parents left. She felt her stomach grumble and climbed her ladder to get to her father's kitchen in his bakery while looking at all the texts she missed from Alya.

Alya, 6:45 pm

"Hey Girl! Nino and i r heading 2 a party soon wanna come?"

Alya, 7:00 pm

"Marinette? R u ignoring me?"

Alya, 7:30 pm

"Yo, so idk what's up with u but this is your last chance! Girl u listening to me?! Party starts at 8. Nino and i are gonna leave soon."

Alya, 7:55 pm

"Ok, so nvm, Nino wants 2 be fashionably late, so we're gonna hang out for a while till around 8:30 or 9. Depends on his mood, if u know wht i mean. ;3"

Alya, 7:59 pm

"So is that a "no" on us picking you up? Girl, u need to go out more often! We r Juniors we need to have some party time! Adrien is going to be there, just to let u, so r my 2 fav things, beer and my hot BF. Marinette seriously please come it would mean a lot to me. ;("

Marinette thought about it, and Alya was right she did usually stay in her comfort zone, which just happened to be her room and house. But, that didn't mean she was going to go out partying it up and getting drunk and making mistakes, such as kissing a stranger or getting into someone's car. But, she also had to admit that when Alya mentioned Adrien's name, it did make the party sound more tempting.

She dismissed the thought quickly, not giving into the temptations of her mind and looked around the kitchen for some food. Her eyes then landed on a plate filled with small round cakes on top, she walked over and was about to take a small bite when she remembered what time it is. It's 8 I can't eat sugar right now I need to get going to bed soon to get ready for school tomorrow. She told herself.

She looked down at the cake, her stomach grumbled, One bite wouldn't hurt would it?

Before she knew what she was doing her body moved on it's own and bit into the fluffy sugary pastry.

Marinette tipped her head back with her eyes closed, letting her taste buds dance with pleasure.

Soon enough she had eaten the whole thing and looked down at the rest. She grabbed a couple and climbed back up to her room, not realizing, that the so called "couple" she grabbed was 5 and her phone was laying next to the plate of cakes. 

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