Chapter 1

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May I also just say some things about the story have been tweaked to fit with my story.

"Asswipe." I grumbled. 

Daryl was moaning at me again. Seriously, this guy never gave up, did he?

"Why did you LEAVE him?" 

"Because he was being a dick, like you. Guess it runs in the family." I answered.

He walked up to me. "Say that again." He threatened. 


"No Rick, Let me handle this."

"DARYL! GIVE IT A FUCKING REST! IT'S BEEN WEEKS! LAY OFF ME, MAN!" I screamed at him, before going off. He was my sworn enemy. Bitch ass.

"Now, Mae, I really don't think that's necessary." Said Hershel. 

"Hershel, please. I-"

"Mae dear.... don't. I know."


But he'd already gone. 


Yeah I know it's crappy, but I hope it gets better! x

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