Chapter 5

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Beam's POV

I looked over at my two friends who were exhausted from playing for way to long. My two best friends who despite what everyone would think, I'm willing to do anything to keep safe.

"We wouldn't want anything to happen to them now would we?"

That stupid bitch was really going to threaten my friends like this?! "I think I'm going to throw up." Kit muttered leaning on Pha who didn't look any better. Yeah it probably was a bad idea to take them out drinking last night then wake them up super early to shoot some hoops. After all they can't hold there liquor as well as me. But every time I remember back to that meeting with Pring my blood just boils and I want to break something.

"Beam, seriously what's up? You've been in a bad mood ever since you came out of that meeting with Pring." Pha said

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." I said trying to get the ball in the hoop but it just bounced off the rim. Stupid ball and stupid rim. Won't even get in the stupid hoop. "Beam We're at a public park your going to scare the children." Kit said taking a drink out of his water bottle. I passed the ball over to Pha who easily caught it. "Do you wanna tell us what happened in there?" He asked but I shook my head. What would I tell them exactly? Your psycho admirer just threatened your lives so I wouldn't get anymore power then her? Yeah that conversation wouldn't really help me right now.

I need to think of a way to keep my friends safe but agreeing to those ridiculous demands would ruin not only me but the gang as well. "I'm going back to the office." I stated grabbing my water bottle. Maybe there I could come up with an idea. "Wait up!" Kit shouted and i heard them both rush to catch up after me. Once I got to the car I searched for the keys when it unlocked on its own. I looked over seeing Pha waving the key's in his hand. I turned back getting in the back and waiting for the other two to get in. Mental note, next time I get mad about something I'll drive myself. Pha and Kit got in the car and a silence fell over us until we got out of the parking lot.

"You sure you don't want to tell us anything?" Kit asked this time and I sighed. They weren't going to let this drop till I told them and I knew it. "Fine. Yesterday Pring gave me a contract." I said and clenched my fists at the memory. Now I'm mad again, and I was taking it out on my poor water bottle. It's my favorite one too, but right now anger doesn't care. "And?" Pha asked

"And...she asked for fifteen percent of our profits from the clients we've 'stolen' from her. As a way of compensation she says."

"What?! That's ridiculous! Who would agree to something like that?!" Kit asked

"I might have too." I muttered and the car screeched to a halt. I looked shocked and saw they both turn to me. "WHAT?!" I covered my ears a bit irked by their yelling. I should be the one getting mad here not them. "Don't yell at me! I can't think of anything else that we can do!" I shouted back. "Exactly why would you even agree to something like that to begin with?!" Kit shouted and I looked out the window. "Beam...Did Pring say something else to you?" Pha asked and I glanced back at them before looking away. Yeah she did. "No. She didn't." I said lying through my teeth. I couldn't be weak around these two, I didn't want to be.

Telling them Pring had me in the palm of her hand would hurt my pride. Once we made it back I made a B-line to my office. If I didn't want my friends hurt, I needed something on her, or become strong enough to be able to defend my friends. I sat in my chair and was about to open my laptop when I noticed a white letter placed on top. A letter with a black seal of a rabbit. Grabbing it, I turned it over and looked surprised at the writing. To: The Doctor Gang. I opened it seeing it wasn't a threat letter with magazine writing, but rather a fancy black invitation with gold lettering.

To the Doctor gang,

We humbly invite you to the Black Hatter Bar in hopes of discussing a job that requires your skills and services. You may bring as many people as you wish to bring as a sense of security and I will bring my men as well. I hope to see you at the Black Hatter Bar at 7pm tomorrow night.

Sincerely, The Black Rabbits leader

Black Rabbits? I've heard of them before. A high and well off gang, unlike my own, that doesn't just deal in illegal things but also have a legitimate car business. But why would they be asking a low class gang like mine for my service? I mean we aren't bad but we aren't well known enough to get recognition from such a big gang. "A job huh?" I muttered before an idea popped into my head. It was probably a crazy idea but right now I'm despite and lonesome but mainly desprite. I grabbed my phone and dialed Kit's number. "What do you want?" Kit asked and I smiled looking at the card in my hand. "Oh Kitty, don't be so mean." I said and could feel that he was rolling his eyes.

"Come into my office, and bring Pha." I said hanging up right after. I didn't have to wait long because in a just a few minutes there was a knock at my door. "Come in babes." I said and Kit came in with Pha behind him. "What did you wanna talk about Beam?" Pha asked and I waved them over to the two seats in front of me. "Are you finally going to tell us the rest of what Pring and you talked about And why you'd let this alliance turn into a dictatorship?" Kit asked and I nodded. "Sure, sure. I'll tell you." I said and they nodded waiting for me to speak. "I told you already about how Pring asked for compensation for stealing her clients." I said and they both nodded.

"What I didn't tell you was that in hopes of keeping me in line and under her thumb, she threatened to hurt not only the Red Cross, but you two especially if I didn't do as asked." I said and they both looked at me shocked. "WHAT!?" They shouted jumping to their feet. "Yeah." I said shrugging. "Are you serious?! I mean me, I wouldn't put it past her. But even Pha?! That woman is seriously a vulture for power." Kit said and Pha looked back at me. " were going to sign that contract because of us?" He asked and I scratched the back of my head a bit embarrassed. "Well...yeah. I think of you guys like brothers so-Are you crying?!" I asked as Pha looked away.

"No." He muttered

"Kit can you believe this man?"

*Sniffs* "Yeah Pha what a baby."

"GUYS! Stop crying you're going to make me cry!" I said getting teary eyed. Then like in a scene from a drama with touching music we all got up and embraced each other in a group hug and cried.

20 minutes later

"Ok so back to the letter." I said wiping away the last of my tears and getting back to business. "Exactly how are you going to get The Black Rabbits to agree to helping you take down Pring?" Kit asked and I smiled mischievously. "Think about it Ai'Kit, they came to me to do a job. That must mean they recognize our skills right? If we can land this job and do it well then that means I could get connections with someone above Pring." I said and he nodded. "But how long will that take? Pring wants you to have this contract signed by the end of this week." Pha pointed out and I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"I didn't think about that." I muttered and shook my head. "But don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you guys." I said and they both looked away. "Are you guys crying again?" I asked

"No." They both whined.


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