Chapter 8

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Wayo's POV

So far P'Pha haven't passed out at the sight of me which is a not a good sign. Like hello, look at me. I took a seat in the center of the couch, Ming and P'Forth standing behind me. "So I'll explain why I called for you." I said and P'Beam nodded. "I need surgeons for a job. A job I can't tell you until you accept. Our previous surgeons we had incident and we had to let them go." I stated and P'Beam seemed to stiffen at that. "Are they..." He trailed off and I looked at him confused. "They're looking for work somewhere else now if that's what your wondering." I said and he sighed relieved. "Oh thanks go-"

"In the after life...Anyways, we needed surgeons we could trust and a friend told me of your gang. But I can't say I trust members of the Red Cross with this job. Which is why I opted to go with those I do trust, which was your gang before the Red Cross. The Doctor Gang." I said and P'Beam nodded sitting back. "So basically you just need a team of surgeons that you can trust." He said and I nodded. "It seems reasonable enough. What do you guys think?" P'Beam asked and P'Kit shrugged while P'Pha didn't even seem to move. "It sounds alright. We trust you Nong, right Pha?" P'Kit asked resting his hand on P'Pha's shoulder. P'Pha blushingly nodded and P'Beam turned to me smiling.

"Well there you have it." He stated and I smiled. Maybe I shouldn't have been so nervous. "Oh and about the payment." I said when P'Beam spoke up. "About that. I wanted to talk to you about the payment." He said and I looked at him confused.

Forth's POV

"About that. I wanted to walk to you about the payment." The Red Cross leader said making Wayo look at him confused. I began to rock back and forth a bit and Ming looked over giving me a look to stop moving. Not that I could help it. I hate staying in place for too long. I noticed the bartender finish the drinks he has prepared for us. So I patted Ming's shoulder walking over. Walking over to grab the drinks my body was feeling numb and stiff. So you know the saying, when in doubt dance it out and by dance I mean wiggle. Cause I have no idea how to dance.

"Rather then give us money, I'd like to ask for a favor if it isn't asking to much. There's a gang that feels threatened by our growth in power. We've been gaining more clients so we've also gotten better chances to expand and gain more people. But this particular gang doesn't want us to grow and would much rather we work under them."

*wiggle* *wiggle*

"Which is why they've gone as far as to threaten not only my gang but specifically these two. This gang has already been damaged once and I don't plan to let it happen again. I know it's kind of shameless to ask for help from my Nong but I can't afford to worry about stuff like that now."

*wiggle* *wiggle*

"That's why I'm asking for a favor in exchange for helping you out. If I'm overstepping my boundaries then I'm sorry but we don't have many options."


"...Ummm is it just me or is there a guy dancing or at least trying to in the middle of my speech because please stop."

"Uhh, this is awkward." I said as he looked directly at me. Wayo shared a glance with Ming and looked shocked before grinning. They turned the Red Cross leader with an obvious scheme in their eyes.

"Uhmm P'Beam I want to ask you a couple questions about what you are seeing." Wayo said


"Do you see a man with black hair and dark colored eyes and crusty looking lips?"

"Yes that's spot on actual."

"Hey I don't have crusty lips." I said

"Oh my gosh it's him." Ming said ignoring my statement. "Who?" Beam asked a little scared. "Forth." Wayo answered in a hushed voice. "What the heck is a Forth?" Beam asked confused.

"There was a man that died in this bar, who haunts it to this day." Ming explained.


"Pha calm down." Kit said

"Sorry it's just I see it too."

Ming and Wayo both nodded at me and I smiled running over and I jumped in front of Kit. "Boo!" I shouted and he shrieked making the three of us laugh. "Jesus..." Kit muttered putting his hand over his heart as I went back to grabbing the drinks before setting them down in front of everyone. "Sorry P's we couldn't help it." Wayo laughed and I smiled up at them. "I'm Forth, the left hand man of Boss over here." I said taking out my hand for Beam to shake. "So your not dead?" He asked taking it and I chuckled. "No."

"Well that's...good." He said and I nodded smiling. "It is." I said letting go of his surprisingly soft hand, before walking back over behind Wayo, next to Ming. "Sorry we got off topic." Wayo said but Beam just shook his head. "No it's fine. Things were getting to serious for my taste anyways." He said and Wayo nodded. "Well with everything that you've told me. I can understand your concern about everything and I do understand. It's not wrong to ask for help P. I think I can come up with a solution to your problem." Wayo said and extended his hand to me.

I took out the folder and handed it to him like he's made me practice so many times. He handed it to Beam who looked confused before opening the folder. "After I learned you had reformed the Doctor gang into the Red Cross, I was hoping to not only ask for a job but for a friendship. An alliance some might call it." Wayo said and Beam looked up at him shocked. "Of course only if you acc-"

"Why wouldn't he?!" Kit asked having looked at the contract over Beam's shoulder along with Phana. "Beam sign it." Kit tried to say discreetly but we heard him. "Why would you go this far for my gang Nong? I don't really see many benefits for you like it'll do us." Beam said and Wayo nodded. "I know it seems kind of suspicion P'Beam. But this is honestly just an alliance with old friends. I don't have to worry much because even if you tried anything I could crush you. Not that I would need to. Right?" Wayo asked with his scary innocent smile.

"R-Right. Well you can't regret this later Nong." Beam said and Wayo nodded. "I won't." He said and Beam smiled before signing the two contracts under Wayo's already signed name. "Well I guess that's that." Ming said and I walked over grabbing the copy contract for us to keep. "Sadly I have previous engagements with a client so we can't stay to celebrate." Wayo said as him and Beam both got up. "So do we. We'll also be on our way." Beam said and took out his hand for Wayo to shake.

"We can meet up at a later time then." Wayo said taking his hand and Beam nodded. "Pha go get the car." Kit said to his taller friend who hadn't moved. He looked a bit irritated before nodding and walking out. "Ming can you get our car to?" Wayo asked and Ming frowned seeming to want to stay a bit longer for a certain reason. I patted his shoulder and took the keys from him. "Don't worry your P will do you this favor." I said and he smiled. "Thanks P'Forth." He said and I nodded walking out. Once I made it out I saw the Phana guy who also noticed me. As I walked over we gave each other a nod of acknowledgement.



We nodded again before both smiling. "You seem like a pretty intimidating guy." I said and he chuckled. "Can't really help it. You don't seem to have much of a presence though. No offense." He said making me shake my head. "None taken. I've always been kind of invisible. I'm fine with it though, it's easier that way." I said and he nodded. "Wish I could do something like that." He said and I chuckled. "I don't think you can with a face like yours. It drives too much attention."

"You calling me handsome?"

"I'm calling you ugly." I joked making us both laughed.

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