Getting Them Here

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(Dannyj7372 is my neighbor Danny)

Danny: Where are they?

Me: They should be here in 3 2..

A bright light appears and in comes Jim and his friends

Danny: Whoa

Claire: Where are we?

Toby: Some sort of future room? *gasp* WHAT IF ITS THE ALIENS AND THEY'VE COME TO STEAL OUR BRAINS!!!

Jim: That's zombies Tobs

Toby: Still!

Me: Actually this is my theater, well minus the chairs, I'm using bean bags for you guys. Plus, we aren't zombies. Danny is a human and I'm a sheep.

Darci: A sheep?

Danny: Just go with it

Jim: Sooo what exactly are we doing here?

Danny: You guys are here t-

Me: You guys are here to play Truth or Dare

Danny: I was gonna say that

Me: Suurrreee

Steve: Sounds cool. Your going down Lake!

Jim: *eye roll*

Everyone sat down on a bean bag

Me: Alright! Let's get this thing started!

Hello! Thank you for reading! I do need some truths and dares so please leave some in the comments section.

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