(Prologue) Year 3,000

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Planet Earth.

On New Year's Eve, all of mankind's creations malfunctioned.

The Internet, the Banking System, the Communications System; everything went on total blackout.

The thunder of the flight of countless missiles accompanied the darkness. Tipped with nuclear power, humanity's weapons toppled their creators.

Earth's major cities became parking lots. Population centers that escaped the bombs devolved into a free-for-all Battle Royale.

As a grand finale, Earth's global water supply became polluted with nuclear waste. With the most basic necessity poisoned, the fate of humanity stood on the brink of extinction.

That's when the Gods arrived; bright and colossal beings who descended from the skies. Wherever they visited, fountains of pure water erupted from the ground. Mankind rejoiced as the Gods rekindled the hope for survival.

Just as soon as they arrived, they left.

The remnants of civilization rebuilt around these fountains of life. Population centers called Hives sprang up around the fountains; each with their own unique laws and traditions.

Out of necessity, the Collective was born to protect the fountains.

Society was reshaped and humans learned to work for the greater good. Leaders of the Collective rose to power and, in exchange for complete obedience, provided paradise for the people.

Those that defied the Collective were cast out into the wasteland beyond the Hives.

That was decades ago, and we now live in prosperity.

Where would Mankind be without the Gods and the Collective?

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