Chapter 16 (Available ONLY until July 15th)

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Chapter 16: Liz Prince

Once the shock from last night’s events wore off, I called Ryan to set up a lunch date with him. He offered to make lunch and eat it at his place instead. I accepted because I know for a guy, he knows how cook edible gourmet food.  I checked the time and it says I have about an hour before I have to be at his house.

I stripped the gown and placed it in a dry cleaning bag for a later chore and made my way to get some clothes from my closet. Today, I feel like wearing my grey tank top underneath a black and red plaid button down shirt with black boot legged jeans and my black and red pumas.

After wearing a dress last night and doing all those ladylike etiquette, I needed to just be me for the rest of my days. Acting ladylike comes natural to me since I was trained when I was little from etiquette school. When I was not in school, I always got in trouble from mom because I acted so tomboyish. In her books, that is not the proper way a ‘Prince’ blood does in front of society.

I jumped in the shower to quickly wake myself and relax my tensed muscles in the process. While I was lathering the vanilla shampoo on my hair thoughts of last night’s kiss and even the dance flitted in my mind.

I closed my eyes as I relived the whole dance. He has a very handsome voice – if a singing voice can be described as that. He made singing effortless; almost better than Michael Bublé’s version of the song which says a lot considering that song was his original composition.

I didn’t even realize that I was humming the song ‘Haven’t met you yet’ until I stepped out of the bathroom door. By the way Sophie was looking at me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk I knew an interrogation was coming. She stood leaning against my bedroom doorframe just watching me get ready for lunch.

“So, who haven’t met you yet?” she asked.

I made my way in front of my vanity mirror to get my hair up in a loose bun. Afterwards, I started applying light make up on. I looked at her through the mirror replaying her question in my head.

“What do you mean?” I asked her as I applied light grey eye shadow on my eyelids.

“You were humming Michael Bublé’s song. I got curious as to who you haven’t met yet or the other way around. So, who is the poor soul?” she asked as she leaned on my bed on her stomach with her elbows propped up to support her chin under her hands.

“Oh, No one” I lied knowing the answer to her question.

I just don’t know if I am ready to tell her the truth yet that while I was in the shower, I have made up my mind to accept Nate’s dinner date offer. One date wouldn’t hurt anyone right? Right

“Fine, don’t tell me, sooner or later, I will find out anyway.” she said.

I let her jibe on the matter go because I cannot pursue the issue without ratting my true feelings out to her.  No point in fussing about this date if it’s only going to be the first and last one anyway.

Have We Met? (Player's Chronicles) Volume One {Ebook sample}Where stories live. Discover now