Milky Way

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"Hey Ryan"the girl called after me,I guess I'm going to have to get used to being called that.

"Hey Sarah"I said flashing a smile at her
"There's a cafe I usually stop at on the way home from school to relax and release a little stress,do you wanna check it out?"

"Sure it sounds nice"I said turning to walk through the gate

"It's called the milky way,it has a cozy home style interior but it also has an outdoor section where you can enjoy the fresh air and nature"she smiling as if it were her favourite place ever

As we walked together more than half of the guys that passed gave me a disapproving glare.

"Looks like this one's the one everyone's gonna be drooling over"I said to myself

To break the awkward silence I decided to say something

"What?Did I kill someone?"I said jokingly"All the guys are looking at me like a criminal"

"We'll you are walking with me right now"she said giggling seeming to enjoy herself alot.

"Pssht like you're that big of a deal"I laughed and teased her"You didn't tell me your last name by the way"

"My name is Sarah Danvers"she said with a playful british impression

"And my name is Ryan Walker,your majesty would you care to tell me how close we are to the cafe?"I said playing along and smiling

She pointed to a brown and white building with a large sign at the front that read"Milky Way"

"That's the place"she grinned

"Oh it looks a lot more quiet than I had expected"

As we entered the cozy building I instantly noticed the home like atmosphere it produced.

"You'll love this place,trust me"

"I think I will"I said checking out all the interesting painting they hung"it's an a unique place I'll give them that

"Good evening young sir,what would you like?"said the waitress that came to our table

"I'll have a cup of black tea with two sugars please"I said with nervousness plaguing my voice

"I'll have the usual Vanessa"Sarah said to her with a smile

The young waitress smiled at us and left for our orders and I glanced at the clock

"Only 35 minutes left Ryan"I said to myself

"What are you talking about?"Sarah said with a puzzled look on her face"Are you feeling ok Ryan?"

"Haha uh yeah I'm fine"I said with a nervous laugh

"Oh and I've been meaning to ask you something"she said studying my face

"Hit me"I said regaining my composure

"Back in the class......your eyes were blue not green,what's up with that?"

"I put in green contacts"I said quickly,sounding more supicious than I realized

"Well ok"she narrowed her eyes at me

"Anyways"I said trying to change the topic"what's Cambridge Like?"

She seemed to lose interest in my supicious eyes so just began giving me a summary of what the community was like

".....and that's basically it,most of the place is quiet and the people are very friendly"she said staring at her coffee

I glanced at the clock again,Ryan was down to 15 minutes,but that isn't really my problem now is it?

"Hey Sarah,what's wrong?"

"Just think about something,I'm fine"

"If you say so"

"Hey Ryan,what was your life like back in Kansas"

""Well if was pretty boring,I did football but quit and transferred before I knocked someone out.Somewhere along the line I learned how to draw pretty well"

"Oh?"she said curiously"what kinda stuff do you draw?"

"Well anything I'm interested in at the moment,I mostly draw anime characters or animals.Yeah I know I have weird taste"

"No no that's fine"she said chuckling

"Pssht,whatever"I said now laughing with her

"Say why don't you come to a party I'll have at my house tomorrow night"

"Tomorrow's a school night"

"Lighten up Ryan it'll be fine"she said smiling"

I'm sure Ryan wouldn't mind,would he?well it'll be payback for dropping this random girl on me.

"Sure,I'll be there"I said smiling back

"That's great"she said,her smile forming into a wide grin"Maybe you'll get familiar with some new people while you're at it"

"Thanks for trying to help me out even though you barely know me,I really appreci-"

Ryan's POV

"Oh damn it"I said when I saw Sarah's face staring at me"that was a short hour"

"What were you saying Ryan"she said looking confused

"You sure you're fine,you seem off"

"Yeah it's cool just a little tired"

Hey guys,any suggestions for next chapter or later in the book?let me know in the comments.

Also vote and leave a nice comment if you want I'd really appreciate it;)

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