Chapter 27

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Jade POV

We all met up at Zoe and Drew house. Their mom wouldn't be home till the morning so we had time to discuss WHY THE FUCK DREW HAD TO SHOOT THE BOY!

"What the fuck was you thinking man?" I paced around with my arms crossed. Everybody saw Drew kill this boy! And poor Zoe just sat on the couch with a blank expression.

"Homie gone hit Zoe and think he can get away with it. I should have killed him myself." Shampoo said.

"I didn't even see the fight. All I heard was gunshots and my lil ass ran to the car like a track star." Luny said.

"I hope you don't go to jail." I looked at Drew.

"He won't. If the cops ask i'll just take the wrap for it." Shampoo said.

He a real ass friend because I wouldn't go down for nobody! Not even Moe, Dana, or Killa. Hell I got a baby at home!

"Thanks." Zoe wrapped her arms around Shampoo and hugged him.

"See Drew. I told you your sister wanted me." Shampoo joked. Drew threw a pillow at his ass.

"Y'all got my heart racing and shit. I thought one of y'all got shot." Luny said.

"I knew I should have just stayed home with Car and Percy." I shook my head.

"Calm down Ja. We gone be okay." Zoe said.

Are they seriously calm about this shit?! I don't know what they do in Inglewood but in Brooklyn them police will have yo ass cuffed up before you leave the beach! This can't be his first time killing somebody!

"You never saw somebody die or something?" Shampoo asked.

"No!" I snapped.

"Welcome to Inglewood." Luny smirked.

"And he fell right next to you Zoe! You could at least feel bad just a lil." I yelled.

"He got what he deserved." Was all she said. These folks is crazy. I guess if they not worried I shouldn't be either.

My phone buzzed. It was a text from Spikey saying he really wanted to see me. I sighed out loud.

"Did I tell y'all Spikey my daddy?" I said.

Nobody knew Spikey but Drew. They all looked confused except him.

"Straight up?" He said.

"Yea and he want me to stay with him this summer."

"Don't he live in Brooklyn?" Drew frowned. I nodded.

"Naw mane! You and Carter ain't about to leave me and live with this nigga!" He snapped. Is it wrong that he turned me on?

"Can somebody take me home?" I asked. Luny said she would and took me home.

Shampoo POV

I woke up the next morning in my apartment. It ain't the best crib but it will do. Me and my four little brothers sleeping on pads on the floor. I grabbed all of them a bag of chips and a boxed juice for breakfast. Yea I'm broke but I'm making it.

"Get y'all asses up! Its 8 and school started at 7:45!" I yelled at them. They all got up and washed their faces and brushed their teeth.

I pray to god my little brothers grow up to be better than me.

"Dang Shampoo! Why you yelling man?" The 6 year old, Rocky asked.

"You want them muthafuckas in them business suits and brief case to come take y'all from me? Well get your asses up and go to school!" I snapped. I passed out their snacks and they left.

I took a quick bath and threw on some clothes. I locked up the apartment and left down the stairs.

"Want me to keep the children this afternoon?" My nosey neighbor from next door asked.

"Sure Ms. Lewis." I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I think she trying to take my lil niggas away from me though.

I started walking to Drew's house. I needed a ride to school and he the only real nigga I got.

"Hey bay." I came up on Zoe from behind. She was looking at herself in the mirror.

"Why you in my room Shampoo?" She asked. See people don't take me serious because I'm always playing. But I will straight up wife Zoe ass. But Drew will kill me!

"I didn't see nobody downstairs." I plopped down on her comfortable ass bed. She looked good today. She wore these skin tight high waist leggings, a crop top, and combat boots. Her hair was in the big curls I be seeing these females wear with they weave. But Zoe hair was real.

"Am I cute or nahh?" She turned to me.


"Nahh." I laughed. See this why folks don't take me serious.

"Fuck you." She rolled her eyes.

"We ain't got nothing but time." I smirked. She grabbed her bag and hit me with it. We began play fighting on her bed until we heard somebody clear their throat.

"What y'all doing?" Drew asked.

"Shampoo called my outfit ugly." Zoe got off me and rubbed her clothes down. Drew stared at me for a minute.

"Let's go." He finally spoke. We drove to Jade's house. This damn girl came out with Car too.

"You must gone take her to school too?" I joked.

"I'm taking her to daycare." She said. We took her to the daycare then went to school. I kid you not, everybody was staring at Drew ass. Mane this nigga scared everybody!

Jade POV

I sat in class, supposed to be taking a test, but I was day dreaming at Drew. I like Drew. I don't think he ready for this though.

"Jade are you distracted by something?" The teacher asked. Don't you just hate when they try to drive attention to you? I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Am I distracting you?" I snapped.

The class turned and stared at me.

"Leave. I will not have you distracting the class." She pushed her glasses up and frowned.

I packed my things in my backpack and stood up. Fuck this. I left out and went to the gym. Zoe and a couple more girls were in here. I saw Derrika sitting in the bleachers alone.

"Wassup." I sat my things down beside her.

"Hey." She said never looking up.

"You and Zoe beefing I heard." I said.

"She mad because her boyfriend wanted me. Now he dead and it's all because of Drew." She snapped.

"You don't think what you did was a bit hoeish? I mean Zoe was supposed to be your homie." I said.

"Oh so you taking her side?" She turned to me.


"No I'm just telling you facts." I said.

"Well let me tell Ms. Jade. I don't need you trying to tell me-"

"Just shut up Derrika because you sound real stupid." I got up and joined the other girls on the court. I ain't got time for that bird.

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