8 - While You Were Away

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It took Fred a whole day to find George, coming to the realisation that his brother had been avoiding him. At last, Fred was able to locate him in the odd location of Ron’s bedroom, which had been hardly touched since his death. There was a layer of dust settled on every surface, and the room was eerily still, apart from the moving Chudley Cannons posters on the walls.

George was sitting on Ron’s bed, gazing out of the window when Fred eased the door open.

“Georgie?” Fred said as he entered the room.

George didn't turn towards his twin. “I don't want to argue, Fred,” he stated.

“I'm not here to argue. I'm here to tell you how much of a twat I've been,” Fred told him amusingly, trying to lighten the mood.

George finally stirred. “Really?”

“Really really. In fact, I even feel obliged to bless this collusion you are having with dear Angelina,” Fred chuckled.

George’s face slowly lit up. “You had every right to react in the way you did, to be fair. Keeping a secret like that was never going to end nicely,” George admitted.

“That's true. And I can't deny that it still hurts a little. But you're my twin. We shared a bloody womb. Would life be worth living if we weren't together, causing mayhem and making the world a happier place?” Fred smiled.

“You know, I was having this while debate in my head in case it came to having to choose between you and her. It wasn't pretty,” George laughed.

“The sole fact that you had to have an argument in your head to potentially give up this…” Fred indicated towards himself, “Tells me you love her too much to let her go.”

George nodded. “I'm so glad you understand, Freddie,” he grinned.

“I went to see her,” Fred told his twin. George looked stunned.

“And how did that go?” he asked.

“It was terrifying and heartbreaking, but all the same. It helped me realise that what I want more than to be with her, is for her to be happy,” Fred explained.

There was a pause. “You know something. You're one hundred times stronger than I would be. I'm not sure if I would’ve come to forgive me as quick as you did,” George said.

“It's not strength. I just hate hating you. And seeing her disintegrated my anger as well. The way she talked about you. There's no doubt in it,” Fred nodded.

George stood up and the two of them hugged.

Fred suddenly suddenly pushed him away, bringing them face to face.

“Now, before you receive my full forgiveness. I have a condition,” Fred announced.

“Uh oh, what am I getting into here?” George groaned.

“Firstly, you must name your first born son, Fred the second. Me being the superior Frederick in this situation.”

“That'll nicely spark a whole lot of confusion but I guess that’s what we were brought to the world to do. You'll have to wait a few years yet, though mate,” George scoffed.

“You won't forget. I'll make sure of it,” Fred teased.

“Oh, I know that,” George shook his head.

In the silence that followed, the two of them gazed sadly around their late younger brother’s bedroom.

“Look at us idiots, though… Falling out over a girl when there are problems in this world which are way more valid,” Fred sighed, staring at the pile of comic books sitting in the corner.

George walked over to Ron’s broomstick which was leaning against the wall.

“Do you ever wonder about Remus’ and Tonks’ kid? He doesn't understand loss yet but day he’ll realise what he's missing,” George thought out loud.

Fred hadn't thought about it, but it was true. The twins were always too busy joking around to appreciate what they had.

“I've got an idea to cheer us up. We haven't been back to the shop since the war. And besides, we’re going to have to move back into that ruddy flat of ours eventually,” Fred mentioned.

“I'm not sure, Fred. I don't want mum thinking we’re abandoning her,” George frowned.

“Bill, Charlie and Percy aren't around. And if we're talking about abandonment, Percy’s the guilty one, not us,” Fred stated.

“I guess you're right. We've got to start a new era of pranking now that the world's no longer messed up,” George announced.

Half an hour later, the boys were striding down Diagon Alley towards the shop. The whole street was not as it used to be. Many shops were only partially open, with ongoing repairs taking place left right and centre. The alley had seen its fair share of vandalism and plunder.

George gave Fred an anxious look as they grew nearer to the shop. Fred gulped as he imagine what state their beloved shop would be in when they reached it.

As they turned the corner, all Fred's visions disappeared and were replaced by an image that was even worse.

Charred black and unrecognizable, Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes was nothing but a bomb site.

While the basic foundations of the building remained, the rest was either gone or heavily damaged. What was left of the stores’ sign was lying on the ground, defaced beyond recognition with phrases such as “blood traitors" and “mudblood lovers."

George stumbled forward, placing his hand on one of the greying, once orange walls.

Fred couldn't believe his eyes. In a moment of desperation, he reached for his wand and waved it vigorously at the building. “Reparo!” he shouted.

Nothing happened and George stared at him blankly.

Fred shrugged. “It was worth a try,” he muttered.

“What are we going to do, Freddo?” George questioned as he moved around the building, the sound glass crunching beneath his feet.

“I don't know. But this may be our biggest challenges yet, brother of mine…”

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