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The tall boy tightened the white apron around his small waist as it had begun to droop and turned, pushing past the swinging door and shuffling into the bustling main room of the coffee shop. Tables lay scattered across the chipped wood floors and brick outlined the walls of the homely place, scuffing against the jackets and cotton t-shirts of those who resided in the warm abode.

Jungkook pushed through the maze of furniture, his feet leading him subconsciously up the small set of stairs and onto a small platform that overlooked the rest of the room. He quickly walked to the booth that was placed against the far wall, eyeing the blonde head that peeked over the cushioned seat. He clutched the Americano closer to his chest, careful not to spill the scorching liquid over his fingers and abruptly stopped in front of the occupied booth, wincing as the steaming dark liquid sloshed inside the cup but remained inside, no liquid marring the pristine cream-colored cup.

The boy turned and smiled up at Jungkook, setting his beating heart to ease. No gummy smile to match the straw-colored hair. He had tan skin as well and his long legs were stuffed under the low table with trouble. He thanked the slightly disappointed boy as the mug was placed onto the table and grasped it, the warmth seeping into his large hands. He was handsome, Jungkook decided, even if his name wasn't Min Yoongi.

He smiled brightly and ignored the stands of hair that slipped over his eyes, shading them and sticking to his eyelashes.

"-Anything else I could get for you?" he asked, happily, admiring the boys soft features and sharp bone-structure. His ears peeked out of his light hair and he smiled, revealing straight and blindingly white teeth.

"Um, a cookie perhaps?" the boy was familiar and Jungkook wanted to mention something but he held it back. He studied the other boys face a moment later, debating the words he held on his tongue before he nodded, turning away and bounding down the stairs. He shook his thoughts from his head before slowing on the last step. What type of cookie. He groaned, tipping his head back and squeezing his eyes closed, crinkles forming beside the shut eyelids. He turned and hurried up the steps once more, dragging a hand through his knotted hair.

The boy studied Jungkook's distraught form approach with a quirked eyebrow.

"Yes, Kookie?" he laughed as the brown-haired boy breathed heavily beside him.

"I forgot," gasp, "what type of-," he started, before averting his eyes to the grinning blonde. His face clicked into his brain before he started laughed lightly.

"Chanyeol?" he gasped for air and looked down at the other boy in confusion, his eyebrows narrowed and his eyes squinted, a light wrinkle forming at the top of his forehead.

"The one and only," he smirked at the smaller boy and lifted his coffee, sipping it slightly, "this is a good cup," he grinned softly.

"Why didn't you say anything?" he asked, slightly agape.

"I wanted to see how long it'd take you. Figured I'd give you a hint after you came back," he mused. Jungkook studied his face, it was certainly the boy whose pictures he'd seen the entire summer before but his hair was different. He must've newly dyed it the light color.

"You're blonde now," he stated, gesturing to the color and Chanyeol's grin widened.

"You like it?" he flicked a piece over his forehead and Jungkook nodded before glancing back to the packed café. Following his gaze, Chanyeol stated, "You should get back out there. I'll be here for a little but your job is more important," he laughed and Jungkook nodded before muttering a goodbye and hustling down the stairs.

He shuffled to a few tables, collecting small orders of cakes and coffees and eavesdropping into small monotone conversations that droned on throughout the shop. There were no peculiar orders and he recognized a few customers who had been there before, exchanging hellos with fellow workers and smiling brightly at children who sat upon there parents laps and clutched sippy cups to their chests as their parents sipped from pearly mugs similar to the ones he himself clutched in clammy hands.

The boy disappeared into the kitchen several times and returned with cups filled with ebony colored liquids that wafted through the large hall and seeped out into the brisk morning air. Jungkook placed a few mugs of drinking chocolate onto a table the was situated beside the door and smiled softly at the school girls who snickered to themselves as they mumbled among themselves, their continuous giggles causing color to paint itself across the brown-haired boy's tan face. He spoke to them once more, and the small girl who sat closest to him glanced up at his tall figure through her lashes, a light rouge staining her cheeks as the cold air slid into the air.

"What types of cakes are there?" she whispered quietly, her voice was low and gentile, curving around his ears as he lowered himself to hear her. The door jingled and he didn't turn, focused on hearing her orders. Hushed gasps filled the group of girls as the frigid air spun around them and Jungkook finally turned, his eyes settling on a tall figure whose hat was knit a soft pink and had tufts of dark hair freeing itself from the cap. A white mouth mask was placed beneath his chin revealing an all too familiarly sculpted face.

Kim Seokjin.

Jungkook stood frozen for a moment, aware of his friend who was sitting just moments earlier in this small café. He whipped out his phone and sent a quick text, praying for the boy to have remained near. For his own sake. He turned back to the breathless girls and excused himself as they sat there, staring at the tall figure.

Jungkook strode to the boy and wrapped his fingers together behind his back, plastering a wide smile across his face.

"Table for one?" he inquired nervously, his heart hammering as he stared at the back of one of his idols. His shoulders were broad, jumping quickly as the brunette startled him slightly. Jungkook's voice wavered and he was aware of the fear that was placed upon his face as the other boy turned and smiled happily.

"Two, actually."

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