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Jungkook, Yoongi

Yoongi hi

Jungkook hi
What did you write?

Yoongi it was nothing really

Jungkook ??

Yoongi it was stupid, I said I liked you account or whatever and thought it would be cool to get to know you

Jungkook why are you playing it off though?

Yoongi what do you mean?

Jungkook you just sound really indifferent and apathetic 'or whatever'

Yoongi oh, idk. It's my way of being calm

Jungkook sorry, my friend was talking to me

Yoongi did you want me to go

Jungkook no you're fine!
Anyway, yeah getting to know you would be nice
But I'm just a fan so
You probably don't care
And you wrote that like a thousand times

Yoongi I only wrote it for you, Jungkook
All the others seem to like you so I thought I should get to know you
But if you're busy

Jungkook no! I'm just confused, isn't that like against some contract

Yoongi making a new friend?

Jungkook sharing unwarranted info with a fan

Yoongi well then we'll just have to make sure you're considered a friend, not fan

Jungkook okee

Yoongi so.
Do you have a favorite color?

Jungkook red

Yoongi white

Jungkook stalkerrrr
September 1

Yoongi you probably know mine

Jungkook ...

Yoongi stalkerrrr
What's your full name?

Jungkook Jeon Jeongguk

Yoongi leave.

Jungkook I gotchu

Yoongi it's a joke
Read Saturday, 23:54

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