2 to the power of 275,6198,731,202 equals the chance of survival in space without a space suit. To think there are places that people cannot live without the assistance of a machine, but i guess that is what people here on earth are doing anyways. They use machines to do everything for them and don't do anything themselves, someday everyone will be really fat.
Humans are lazy
As the robots advance they might take over the world, so what. People say we are screwed if we get into a war with robots, just throw a cup of water at them. Why are humans so stupid, we make up excuses for why we have done such horrible things, i can't wait for the end of the world then humans will be no more.
Humans are stupid
They destroy the environment and kill each other for no reason. Well for a reason, their own stupid reason. They don't consider the feelings of others unless they are told to. People don't realize what they are saying is hurtful unless they are told that it was hurtful.
Thick skulled idiots
One in 1,352
Randomthe untold story of a not so common boy, his mind is lost in thought and no one can find it