Chapter 3: The Project (prt .2.)

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It's been a few days and it's finally Saturday and I'm Kinda nerves for today, I went to the store and picked up a few things, I picked up some snacks like chips, fruit snacks haha I love the smily fruit snacks, I also got some drinks like soda and and tea and like everything. So I decided to take all that stuff home, and the house was kinda a mess seeing how I have two older brothers, Alex and Tj, ugh I swear they are such pigs I haven't had to actually clean this much sense the last time they threw a party and some of Tj's stupid friends grabbed ham and put it in mustard and threw it up on the roof, it was so hard trying to get it down it took me like 3 hours.

So after what

feels like forever which I find out is only an hour and a half of cleaning I am finally done, cleaning the halls, bathrooms, kitchen, living room, game room, and tightening all the bedrooms up, including the disaster of a room that my brothers had. I checked the clock to see what time it was and it was only 4:20 so I decided to go out and go shopping for like an hour or two sense Luke isn't supposed to be here tell 7:00 so I go and walk to the mall and get a nice pair of blue shorts and a sweater with a pair of vans. I bought the outfit and walked out of the mall and I was planning on going straight home intel............

" Hey sweetheart! " I quickly snap my head around, I could of swore I would have got whiplash I also see a very sexy sexy Luke in black jeans and a tight white V neck. I turned back around and just kept on walking he pulled up on my side and drove right beside me I just kept walking and ignoring him. " COME ON SWEATHEART!!!! Please stop ignoring me get in the car", " Why are u on your way to my house?" I asked, well it is 6:40. I looked down at my phone, OMG IT'S ALMOST 7!!!, " Haha yes it is sweetheart." " Luke? Did I really just say that out loud?"

" Yes in fact you did. Now get in." " Yes sir, yes Mr. Popular." I gave him a quick wink and got In. It only took about 5 minutes intel we got to the house. As soon as I opened the door I could have sworn my brothers were spying on us Bc like I said as soon as I opens the door Luke looked terrified Bc he didn't expect my brothers to just be all cool with him coming over they were all hey what's up brother ect..... Get the picture

Before we started the project I the project I grabbed a few snacks and I got us each a Coke, then we get down to the project. " So what are we going to do for the project part? " He said as he looked out the window, I told him " I don't know, what do you want to do? " I want to do a poster board, would that be ok sweetheart? " , Ya of corse it would." So I went on my computer and I looked up Thomas .C. Durant, it said he had a daughter named Heloise Durante Rose, she got married. Then he had a son named William West Durant. His beautiful wife was Hannah Heloise Trimble, she was beautiful, gosh I wish I had a body that could stop a train and lips as bright and full as a red rose, and long flowing hair.

" As I started to right the paper, I kinda can only right the intro paragraph Bc we didn't have a lot of information, I looked over to see Luke searching pictures for the poster board and he got a picture of each family member. It was pretty late and my parents are always gone on business trips, so there never home. We were done with the project for the night so I walked him to his car and as I turned around to go back in the house he picked me up and tickled me. "Ssssss stop pp tttt tick kk tickling me!!!" He sets me down and winks at me. " Goodnight sweetheart" he said sending me a small smile...... I just chuckled and replied in a low voice " goodnight Luke. "

Hey guys I know it's not very interesting yet, but trust me the next chapter will be soo much better

Thanks for reading I love all you guys!!

* kiss kiss, hug hug*


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