Slumber Party

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"Woo! Sleepover!" Rin exclaimed with excitement.
Bon grumbles from behind, " Geez do you have to be so loud?" He grumps.
Yukio sighs and opens the door to his and Rin's room. It opens with a loud creak and flicks on the light.
" I can't believe I agreed to this." Yukio sighs and walks across the room and sits at his desk that is scattered with paperwork and half read books.
Bon walks in next, his face grim and hands in his pant pockets.
Shima, Rin , Shiemi and Konekomaru walk in after.
"Welcome to our humble abode!" Rin shouts and waves his arm, gesturing to there dorm.
The room seems almost split in two. One side clean and organized while the other side is throttled with cloth, books, paper and random stuff cluttering in any spot.
" Damn Rin, how do you make such a mess?!" Shima say in shock.
" What are you talking about? My side is perfectly clean." Rim huffs as he plops onto his freshly made bed.
"WHAAAT. There is no way that the blueberry is the clean one!!" Bon yells.
Rin shoots up from the bed, " Hey I'm not a blueberry, you rooster!!" He shouts.
Rin walks closer to Bon and places a hand on his slim hips, " I may be loud or whatever but that doesn't mean I don't have the ability to clean!"
" Would you guys be quite for once?" Yokio grumbles angrily and hunches deeper over his cluttered desk.
"Okay okay geez dude." Rin raises his hand in mock surrender.
"So , um, what do you guys wanna do?" Komekomaru asks in a timid voice
"We could play some games" Shima suggests.
"I-I don't know many games but I would love to learn some." Shiemi says in a soft yet joyful voice.
"Anyone have any games they want to play?" Asked Komekomaru
Awkward silence filled the small space.
"Did everyone all sudden go mute or what?! " Bon shouts.
Suddenly Shima practically leaps forward, "I have an idea!"
"How about truth or dare? Ask some personal questions or dirty dares." He smirks flirtatiously.
Bon takes one of his arms out of his pocket and jabs Shima with his elbow.
" could you try not to be a creep for two seconds?"
"I can't believe your going to become a monk." Komekumaru sighs.
Shima waves them off, " Whatever, let's play!"

The group sits down in a circle that is more shaped as a strangled oval in the middle of the room.
"Okay so who goes first?" Sheimi asks.
Shima raises his hand quickly, " Me!" He shouts, a bit too excited.
He points to Sheimi.
"Truth or dare?" He asks with a smirk
Sheimi's face turns slightly away in suspicion.
"D-dare?" She mumbles out.
" I dare you to kiss me." He says a bit too loud.
Sheimi face reddens with embarrassment. "I-I um wh-what??" She stutters
"Dude what the hell? Don't be such a pervert!" Shouts Rin. Shima awkwardly scratches his head, "Just on the cheek! Nothing more!" He defends himself, his face slightly flushed with dull pink.
Shima shuffles across the circle over to Shima.
She quickly rushes forward and pecks him on the cheek. She quickly shuffles back to her spot.
Shima blushes as red as a tomato.
"Aw why so flustered? I thought you where a 'womanizer'." Bon teases the pink haired boy beside him.
" I am! Just...just..." he trails off.
Rin snickers in the background.
"Hey Rin that's not nice!" Shima pouts.
"Can we just continue?" Asks Komekomaru. Shima waves him off again," Okay okay, Sheimi it's your turn."
She raises her hand, a look of embarrassed and confident paint he face. "What am I suppose to do?" She asks.
Rin buds in, "Have you never played before or something?"
"No, I never really hung out with people my age." She says. " well, what you do is you pick someone and ask them truth or dare. If they say truth then makes them share a secret or something like that, if they choose dare then make them do something embarrassing or stupid." Rin states.
Sheimi seems slightly confused but less than before. She points to Rin.
"Truth or dare?"
Rin, being one to never back down to a challenge, "Dare" he says with confidence.
"I dare you to..." she pauses trying to thing of something, " ask Yukio to play with us!"
" Easy! But warning, he has been acting weird lately. So snappy and grumpy!" Rin says with slight annoyance.
Rin turns around to face where Yukio's desk is. Yukio is hunched over his desk still, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings.
"Hey Yukio! Come join us!" Rin shouts happily to his brother. After a few seconds of silence he turns to face them. His face scowled.
" I'm doing work. You would be doing work if you actually cared." The tension in the room grew.
Rin, not used to Yukio's blunt anger , was struggling to find something to say.
"O-okay! We just wanted you to play with us for a bit, it's just truth or dare. You need to unwind , four eyes." Rin joked, yet his body was tense. His face portraying worry and slight annoyance . Yukio deeply sighed and stood up, walking over to the circle. He sat directly across from Rin.
Shima laughs awkwardly ," Hey guys how about we continue, ya?"
Bon turns to Rin who sits to his left, " It's your turn idiot."
"Who you calling and idiot you rooster!" They banter, no actually hate behind there words.
"Komekomaru!" He points to the small teen, " truth or dare?" He asks.
He thinks for a moment before timidly saying, "Dare?" His statement sounded more like a question.
"Hmmm...I dare you too..order us a pizza!"
"What! That's not a dare!" The smaller teen argues
Shima and Bon's laugh echo threw the room
"That's-Thats amazing! Ha! Konekumaru, it's a dare so you have to do it!" Shima said while laugh
" When you order it, you should get pepperoni." Bon added
Konekumaru sighed, "Okay, okay I will do it once we finish this."
The threes boys cheer while Sheimi giggled.
"Bon, your turn" .Rin said, quickly wanting to finish the game so he could get his pizza.
Bon looked around, think of who could be his victim. He looked to the solum boy sitting without a sound. He'd chosen his victim.
"Yukio." He points to the teen. "Truth or dare?"
Yukio sighed deeply, clearly annoyed. "Truth." His voice deadpan. "Damn he is acting weird " Bon whispers to Shima . The pink haired teen nods in agreement.
"Have you ever had a crush on a student?" He asks with a sly grin.
A few of the boys snickers.
" No I haven't."
"Not even once? Come on your a teen too even if you act like an adult all the time. Plus we have had some cute girls in this school." Says Shima with a flirty laugh.
"No I haven't." Yukio states with with a tense voice.
"Dude, you okay?" Bon asks
Yukio pinches his bridge of his nose. "Ya ya, just" he sighs, exhaustion clear in his voice, "A lot on my mind."
After a few moments of silence
Sheimi speaks up, "Can we continue the game?"
"Ya! I want some pizza!" Rin says and wiggles his tail in excitement.
"Chill it you cat. Yukio it's your turn." Says Bon.
"Why did you call me a cat?!" His tail lashes. Bon ignores himself with a sigh.
Yukio looks hesitant before a flash of anger. He turns to Rin who sits directly across from him.
"Rin. Truth or dare?" Yukio states, his voice drops with awfully hidden rage.
Worry from the other kids in evident.
Rin face twist with shock by his brothers tone 'What the hell is up with him...?"
"Um... truth?" He stays but it sounds more like a question.

Blue Exorcist : A pretty intense slumber partyWhere stories live. Discover now