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We were in the water hanging out having an amazing time. The water was so clear. Then Emma came back. "Ready for your first thing for today?" She had a big smile on her face "yup exited" smiling. We get out of the water and walk somewhere. People kept noticing up but they knew we were busy. "Put these snorkels on please" as she handed them to us. We put them on and we walked a bit further. Then we see and big ocean/pool with fish. "You'll be swimming with all these fishes" "omg this is so cool" staring at all the fish "have fun" as she walked off. We were admiring the fishes. By the corner of my eye I could tell that Ethan was staring at me "what?" "You just look so beautiful" "Thanks my Cookie Monster" grabbing his cheek and ran away "anytime Cookie" as he ran after me. He catches up to me and slapped my ass "that's what you get" "hey" as I playfully punch this arm. We decided to get in the water. It was so cool. One fish kept following me. I went next to one of the life guards. "Hey can I ask you something?" standing next to him "sure" he said facing me. He was cute but not as cute as my Ethan. "Um so this one fish kept following me while I was swimming can you tell me why?" "We'll finish normally don't do that but it might be because your such a beautiful girl" he said smiling at me "thanks you" he was walking closer to me but backed up.
*Ethan's POV*
I was swimming around until I see Hannah talking to the guard. I got really jealous. My jaw clenched. I get out of the water and walk there way. I see her trying to back away from him. That's my girl.
*Hannah's POV*
"Can you please move back" I move back "why not baby girl" grabbing my hand. He held me hand so tight. "Get away from my Girlfriend Now!" Ethan said walking over with his jaw clenched and his fist was clenched "What are you going to do about it" the guy laughed. Ethan punched him in the face. He grabbed me and held me close. Emma runs over here "what happen" "This guy was harassing my girlfriend and wouldn't let her go" "I'm so sorry this guy has been doing this for a while now but he told us he controlled himself" the guy gets up. "Hey sexy" he said to me "Let's go Liam now" Emma said to him. I don't know why but when Ethan's jealous it's sexy af. Emma walked about with Liam. We got back in the water and even more fish started to follow me. "Did he hurt you? Are you ok?" Ethan asked "yea I'm fine he just held my wrist really hard" looking at my wrist. Ethan swims over to me and grabs my hand lightly. He looked into my eyes and kissed my wrist. If I didn't have Ethan with me then I don't know what would have happened to me.

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