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"Go! You have to go!" The red head mage yelled at me as she shook my shoulders, "This wasn't supposed to happen; you have to fix it! GO!"

I shot up. Taking in my surroundings, which is a field, as I pull my pink hair out of it's ponytail and let it cascade down my back, stopping just below my shoulder blades. That voice... it sounded so familiar and yet so strange. What wasn't supposed to happen? What do I have to fi- I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone tripping over my leg. Looking down, I notice that I'm still sat on the ground.

Pulling myself up, I reach to help the guy I tripped over up. He has blonde spiked up hair and blue eyes that are narrowed into slits.

"You'll regret that, bitch" he scowls, looking me up and down.

He knocks my hand away, before calling shadows to attack me. My reflexes kicked in, and I dodged the attack before swinging my fist at him, taking him by surprise, which it him square in the jaw. He fell to the ground, clearly unconsious.

"Hey! There he is!" I heard a female voice yell behind me, so I turned to face it. Turns out that there four of them, five if you count the flying... cat? Flying cat? That means... no, that's impossible. As the people get closer, I start to see their features. There are two girls; one has blonde hair, with a section pulled back and tied with a ribbon, and the other has red hair, which has been left down. There are also two boys; one with spiked pink hair, pretty much the exact colour as mine, and one with spiked black hair. Then there's the blue flying cat.

As they got closer, and I got a closer look at their features, all of the emotions came flooding back. The pain, the grief, the guilt. Acting fast, I quickly pull my scarf, bracelets and pouch that's on my hip and shove them into my bag. It's them, but it can't be them. I decided to put it to the back of my mind and fake a smile as they stopped in front of me.

"Hi, um that was a good save. Thanks I guess, we're here to stop him using his magic to brainwash people" the small blonde haired girl spoke.

"Uh, ok" I shrugged, not knowing what else I could say. What is going on? How is this possible? "Here you go" I grunted as I grabbed the back of the guys shirt and threw him at the ground in front of the oh-so familiar mages in front of me.

"Thanks" they all muttered. There's no time like the present, before they leave.

"I know this is going to sound strange, but what year is it?" I asked quietly, causing them to exchange weird looks.

"X791, why?" the black haired guy answered warily.

"What?! That's impossible" I exclaimed. My eyes widened in shock. If that's true, then that means they're really here! And they don't know who I am... Narrowing my eyes slightly in sadness, I nodded gratefully before turning away from the mages.

As I was walking away, I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder. "Hey, are you ok?" I instantly recognised the voice, belonging to the pink haired guy, and it bought tears to my eyes. He was here. They were all here.

The blonde girl spoke up again, and I wished that I could turn around and embrace her. "Do you have anywhere to go? Why don't you come with us whilst we figure something out?" she offered, as I pictured a kind smile on her face, which was easy as that was the only kind of smile she had. I know that I should decline, that things wouldn't end well if I accepted, but my selfishness, my own desires got the better of me.

"If that's not a problem" I smiled as I turned back towards them. They smiled in return as they indicated for me to follow them, presumably back to town.

"So, I'm Lucy Heartfillia. This is Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster and Natsu Dragneel. Oh, and Happy!" Lucy pointed to each person as she introduced them, which wasn't neccesary. I know who they are, but I'd never tell then that. Hell, I can't even tell them my own last name!

"Oh, right, well I'm May" I stated with a little wave, and they furrowed their eyebrows in slight confusion.

"No last name?" Gray asked.

"Well, uh... It doesn't really matter" I shrugged, hoping they'd let it go. Thankfully they did.

We walked in silence for a while, before someone spoke up; "Can I have a hand with this guy?!" Natsu yelled.

I shrugged, but nonetheless I fell back from the group, grabbed the guy from Natsu's hold and put him over my shoulder, before continuing walking. Everyone shot amused glances at me, which I avoided, finding it difficult to just be near them.

"Aha, so Fire Hazard is weaker than a little girl!" Gray exclaimed, clearly amused. I didn't realise what he said after 'Fire Hazard' until after I started chuckling along.

"Hey! I'm not a little girl!" I yelled, punching him in the arm, causing him to fall over. Natsu found this overly amusing.

"Haha, did the Ice Princess get pushed over by a little girl!" he grinned childishly.

Some people never change. Ever.

I smiled happily at them. This is the happiest, as well as saddest, I've been in the past eight years.

"Why was you laughing then May? It's like you understood the 'Fire Hazard' joke. And how old are you anyways?" he asked, trying to make his facial expression impassive. Although, I know him better than that, whether he knows it or not. His face looks impassive, but I can see the curious glint in his eye.

"Well of course I got the joke. Natsu's the Fire Dragon Slayer, and you called him a fire hazard..." and I should really stop talking now, "And I'm 18" I rushed out, hoping to avoid the subject of how I knew about Natsu's magic.

Gray and Natsu narrowed their eyes at me, before exchanging a look. I'm assuming Lucy, Erza and Happy would've to, but they're too far ahead to hear our conversation.

"Ok then. Where did you learn to fight? That was a pretty sweet punch you threw back there" Gray commented, whilst Natsu ran ahead to talk to the others.

"Well, my dad did before he died in the war. After that it was another member of my guild" I shrugged, remembering that I had to give as few details as possible. The rest of the group had fallen back, and were now looking at me sceptically.

"War? There hasn't been a war in hundreds of years" Lucy stated. Damn it. Before I could react, they all stopped. Erza summoned a sword, whilst the rest got into fighting stances.

"Who are you and where are you from? Are you from Edolas?" Erza boomed as she pointed her sword at me.

I laughed dryly. "Edolas? Please, the only one from Edolas here is Happy the blue exceed" I commented with a smirk, before continuing, "No, no other universes or anything. I'm from Earthland, but not the one you know" They looked at me in confusion. There's no time like the present, right?

Sighing, I continued; "I'm from the future"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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