Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

After changing from my pajamas into equally comfy sweatpants and a tank top, and pulled my hair up into a messy bun. No sense getting dressed up for an entire day of cleaning. I felt like Cinderella, sans stepmother & 2 step sisters, fairy godmother, completely dead dad, or prince charming...well pretty much only the cleaning part but still. 

I went to the cleaning closet and grabbed all the crap I'd need. I looked at the living room first, that would be the easiest. Our house was usually fairly clean anyways.

I vaccumed the carpet first, then dusted the coffee table, TV, TV stand, side tables, and window sills. Then I sprayed the windows and the TV screen and I polished all the wood and pretty much everything that could be cleaned, I cleaned. I was starting to work up a sweat when the doorbell rang.

I always get a bit excited when the doorbell rings. I always hope that maybe it will be my prince there, waiting to knock me off of my feet and whisk me away from this miserable existence. I smoothed down my hair a bit and opened the door.

A FedEx package for my mom. Of course. No prince for me today.

Disappointed, I went back to cleaning, which I continued for about two and a half more hours before taking a break. I was already exhausted and I had only done the living room and the dining room. This was gonna be a long day. 


Around four o'clock I was finally finished and had called the caterer and everything. I was exhausted. I grabbed some lemonade from the refrigerator and sat down in front of the TV for a bit.

I wondered where my mom and sister were. Probably out shopping for something to wear for the dinner party.

Speaking of, I still had nothing to wear. I remembered what mom had said- Look alive, not like a zombie- and felt a quick stab of pain, then quickly pushed it down. No need for more self-loathing.

I dialed up my best friend Lea.

"Hello?" she asnwered on the second ring.

"Hey Lea," I said. "The mombot says I need something to wear to her dinner party because, you know, I dress like an old hobo. Wanna hit the mall tomorrow morning? Oh, and you're still coming, right? To spare me the agony of suffering tomorrow night alone?"

"Absolutely! I'd love to go shopping tomorrow," she replied. "And I should still be going!"

"Okay, sounds like a plan," I said, and hung up.

At least someone in the world still liked me.

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