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"What do you mean he's dead?"

Autumn could hear the demanding voice of her mother through the shut door, her ears pressed against the door, although there was a Hearing rune on her left hand. Her legs felt like jelly and were about to collapse at any moment now.

"Your husband was attacked and killed by a Eiolden demon disguised as his parabatai, Nicholas Blackthorn," said Consul Peter Whitelaw said, his voice calm and steady. "A funeral has been scheduled for Mr. Tyler Lightwood next week, and for his ashes to be scattered upon the Silent City afterwards-"

The Consul wasn't able to finish his sentence, as Autumn's mother, Emilia Lightwood, marched through the door and slammed it shut. Her eyes, which were red and had tears streaming out of them, rested on her daughter's. Autumn held her gaze.

"Autumn Lightwood," she scolded, though her voice cracked. "It-It's very rude to eavesdrop." And with that, Emilia turned the corner and ran. A moment later, she heard the sound of a door slamming shut.

"What's going on?" said a familiar voice behind her. Autumn turned around to see her twin brother, River, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"I-I.. Nothing," Autumn said, her voice low as she turned away from him. She didn't want him to see her cry. Autumn hated crying, and suddenly she was angry at herself for doing so.

River was eleven, like her, and had the same slim build and oval face, and the same bright blue eyes and dark brown bushy hair. But he had the height of a full grown man. Her head barely reached his shoulder when standing next to him. Although their father had been adopted by Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood, they were both constantly told of how much they both looked like Alec. River and Autumn were twins, although River was born a few minutes before she had.

And suddenly the thought of her father made the tears to swell up in her eyes again. She forced herself not to cry, not in front of River, even though it stung her eyes.

"Hey," River said gently. He brushed a lock of her dark hair off her face. "Are you okay? What happened? You know you can always talk to me."

"Dad," she managed to croak, her voice cracked yet barely above a whisper. "He's dead."

River's eyes flashed in pain and confusion immediately. "What? No, it can't be true.. it's not true.." He seemed to be dazed and was stumbling around like an idiot, as if someone had hit him on the head with a brick and he was struggling to regain consciousness.

"I heard the Consul say it, River, I heard him talking to Mom-"

The Consul appeared just behind them. Autumn jumped in surprise. "Oh, children. Eavesdropping, I see?" he said, but he did not seem angry, his voice filled with sympathy. He sighed. "I am truly sorry about your father. He was certainly a good and loyal man."

Autumn could only bring herself to nod, and she walked away. She hated it when people apologized for things that they couldn't change. She hated being felt sorry for. She knew that Consul Whitelaw and Tyler Lightwood were never that fond of each other. And she hated the way everyone only told you you were good and loyal after you're dead.

She locked herself into her room, sunk down behind the door, and finally let herself cry.

River of the Dead: A Shadowhunter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now