Chapter 3

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The girl turned to Autumn, alarmed, but Autumn thought she could see a hint of amusement in her eyes.

"What the hell, Autumn?" Chris asked, seemingly alarmed as well. Suddenly she was aware that all eyes were on her, and the blood rushed to her cheeks. "Are you okay?"

"I, uh, nothing.." Autumn said nervously. Brother Enoch, like all Silent Brothers, could reach into minds. It was a good thing he already left the room.

"Are you sure?" asked Drew, tugging on her arm. Autumn nodded.

Chris spoke first to Irene. "Irene," he began. "Welcome to the New York Institute. I'm Chris, and I'm the tutor here. This is Ja-"

He was cut off by Emilia, who had barged into the room, but almost soundlessly. "Hello, Irene," she said cheerfully, and shook her hand politely. "Sorry I'm late. I had some issues with the Council.. Are they being good to you?" When Irene nodded, Autumn's mother continued, and pointed to each person she named. "This is Chris, and Drew, and Jake, and these two are my children River and Auttie--I mean Autumn," she said.

"I can show her around the Institute," Jake said, and glided over to Irene's side.

Drew came over to where them two were standing. "Me, too," he said, and Jake shot him a dangerous glare. Before Jake could protest, Emilia spoke.

"Go on, don't be rude, boys," she eyed them carefully, as if giving a warning. "I would send Chris to make sure you two behave yourselves, but I need him here for Autumn."

"I'm going to stay with Autumn, also," River said as the boys and Irene left.

"So what did Brother Enoch say?" asked Emilia. "Did he remove all of the injected demon blood?"

Chris hesitated before sharing with Emilia what the Silent Brother had said, with occasional input from River. Emilia paled. Autumn wondered if she was turning pale, too. She felt awfully nervous since Brother Enoch told her about her blood.

"My daughter... a demon?" Emilia said, her voice furious. "By the Angel, how on Earth did this happen!?" Her gaze rested on Autumn, her eyes cold and filled with the unfamiliar look of... hatred?

"I.." Autumn began, her voice cracking. "It's not my fault-"

Chris spoke calmly and reassuringly. "Brother Enoch thinks she was injected with demon blood at some point in her life. Or maybe even before she was born."

"Does that make River a monster, too, just like.. that thing?" Emilia said, and pointed to Autumn. Autumn could not believe her ears and she felt her heart sink into her stomach like a heavy rock. Chris's expression was plain shock, and River's face was bright red with anger.

River was on his feet now and jabbing his finger into Emilia's chest. "My sister is not a monster, you stupid b-" He was cut off by Chris.

"It's not Autumn's fault, really..." he said, and he looked like he was trying his hardest not to yell. "She didn't ask for demon blood..."

"Yeah, and demons didn't ask for demon blood and we Shadowhunters murder them anyway," snapped Emilia, but her eyes were fixed on Autumn's the entire time. Autumn looked away, her tears stinging in her eyes.

Chris's fists were clenched, and River gripped the side of the table until both of their fists were white. "I think," Chris said angrily with his eyes glued to the floor, "that you need to go."

"I am the head of this Institute, not you, and therefore you cannot tell me whether or not I should go," Emilia said. "But I cannot bear to be within the presence of.., of this demon-angel hybrid-"

River cut her off with his loud, angry laugh that held anything but humor. "You mean a warlock, you dumba-"

Chris delivered a quick, hard kick to River's ankle, causing him to shut his mouth. Emilia stormed out of the room, her heels stomping the floor, shouting, "You are not my daughter! You were never my daughter!"

Autumn blinked away her hot tears.

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